JAKARTA - In a recent interview with Radio Bob Germany!, vocalist Sharon Den Adel spoke about the decision of Within Temptation using artificial intelligence (AI) technology to make their latest single videos "Bled Out" and "Wireless".

"Regarding whether he and his band friends are worried about the various dangers posed by AI, from small to potentially existential ones, before implementing them in making their videos," said Sharon.

"Well, I totally agree with the fact that what you often see is that technology is more advanced than the making of laws. So, it would be nice if it could follow a little bit, that we have laws that state what you can do with these applications and tools to be used only in the right way, of course, without harming anyone," Sharon said.

"However, on the other hand, in my opinion, the genie has come out of the bottle. It's like an industrial revolution, you see factories taking over jobs too. And in the end creating jobs again... in the same sector many times, but maybe in different ways. And that means we have to always adapt to new changes, in my opinion, and it's always scary because people don't want to change; they want everything to stay the same," he continued.

"And I understand that. It's scary, because in my opinion, people can also take advantage of this in a very wrong way, and that's why we need legislation to prevent it."

Sharon then explained that what they did with the video clip actually they worked with the same number of people. They filmed the band, used the camera crew, director, someone to write the script.

"And the only thing added to the whole process is actually an AI expert. And we took a month and a half to actually get it like now which takes a long time, especially to get lip syncs and not strange pictures in videos we didn't want. For example, first, with 'Wireless', we also did the video AI, but then it was like without a band. For example, we saw soldiers in the video, then suddenly their helmets turned into mushrooms. And we couldn't change it, because AI didn't You can't change AI easily, so AI will do what it wants to do."

"And you, at any time, have some options to choose which direction you want to go. And then you go on at that point. But it takes a lot of customization and hard work to get what you want. It's not as easy as people think. And the duration is longer than ordinary videos, but we feel this is a new tool and it's good to discuss. By using it, you guys talk about it and you guys are aware of what we are receiving and what we don't like about it? And it's not the most beautiful video, but it's a new technology."

"And I am proud of what AI experts have produced. He worked very hard and I think he poured his whole love and passion into that creative process. And, yes, it became a very different version of the ordinary videos we used to do. And that's what we love."

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