JAKARTA - Michael Jackson's "natural voice" footage, which went viral on social media last December, is still being discussed. Not without reason, the voice made music lovers excited.

The King of Pop - who died in 2009 - is known to have a distinctive range of high-tensor vocals. However, Jackson is said to sound very different when he is far from the music stage.

Rumors have long been circulating that the high-pitched voice she uses in each interview session is acting, in which the video that appeared on X - Twitter - previously called it to show Jackson's true identity.

Posted by History Vids (@historyvids) on December 16, 2023, the video shows 38-year-old Jackson performing In the Closet at a concert in Munich, Germany.

Recorded in 1997 during the star's HIStory world tour, the sound of a typical Jackson chant suddenly dropped to a deeper and intense tone.

"Michael Jackson used his inner voice during a concert in 1997," wrote @historyvids next to the 22-second clip, which was watched more than 24 million times at that time.

Michael Jackson uses his natural deep voice during a concert in 1997 pic.twitter.com/kRJRNfZYyB

According to Southwest.com, Billie Jean's singer's soft voice is part of her personality, along with a military jacket decorated with diamonds, moonwalks, and wearing gloves in just one hand. However, the alleged reason why her unusual (deep voice) color is still controversial.

Jackson's former doctor,dia Murray, who was convicted of an accidental murder in 2011 for giving propofol in the deadly dose that killed the star, said the pop legend was chemically castrated as a child by his father.

In his book, This Is It! The Secret Lives of Dr.dia Murray and Michael Jackson (2016), 70-year-old Murray says that Joe Jackson forced his son to get hormone injections at the age of 12. The injection should cure pre-aged acne, but also to stop his voice from breaking.

However, her close friend Liza Minnelli reportedly caught Jackson using a deeper voice while calling her husband, the late producer David Gest, and the revelation shocked the Oscar winner.

"Michael, you were caught, I understand you now," said the actress in 2002's Larry King Live episode. "For years, you spoke in that voice."

Minnelli and Gest said that Jackson created a high-pitched voice to protect himself from unwanted public attention.

Meanwhile, Journalist Diane Dimond, who reported a child abuse trial against Jackson in 2005, also said the star had a lot of speech. He described Jackson as having a "deep and masculine voice."

"Somewhere, especially if you deliver bad news or if you make him angry, his voice becomes very, very deep," he told Access Hollywood at the time.

"I was there one day when someone asked him about Gloria Allred, the lawyer who had persuaded her and turned around in a dirty move and said, 'He can go to hell,' with a big and deep masculine voice.

Oprah Winfrey described Jackson as using a more normal voice off camera in 1993, when she was preparing for a television interview with the artist. Like journalist and TV character Piers Morgan, who said the singer's voice changed, depending on the topic.

"The strangest thing about Michael Jackson, driving my suspicions about him as a human being, is that when he talks about charity and children, he has a very soft and high-pitched voice," Morgan told documentary director Louis Theroux in 2019.

"When I changed the topic of conversation into business, his voice went down a few octaves and he became a completely different person to talk to. It was strange for me, it showed me that he was a character who had many different sides depending on the subject of the subject."

Back to Jackson's excited natural voice on social media. Some fans criticized the pop music icon and described her appearance in the video as "grabbing".

"So the voice isn't genuine?" asked @Pakistaninpictures.

"It's almost impossible for an adult to have a baby's voice type like that. I've always known his voice is much deeper," wrote @Blacksodje while @v411vm compared his voice change to "Darthmen remove his helmet."

"His voice is deep, as is his PEDO tendency," commented Casey Ryback, referring to cases of sexual abuse of children from 1993 and 2005.

However, others praised the Grammy winner's vocal reach. One of them is Omer Yousuf who dubbed Jackson as "Michaelangelo pop music".

Then there was Anthony Russo who asked: "How can people say he's not the most entertaining person?"

"Michael Jackson is a man with a lot of talent," Dumcalio commented, while Azza wrote: "There will never be other people like him."

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