JAKARTA - Miley Cyrus will undergo 2024 with her first Grammy win, after 17 years of a career in the music industry. However, he does not want his achievements to stop, and is preparing for another big achievement in the coming year.
Through his X account, while congratulating fans on vacation, the 32-year-old singer signaled about his new musical journey in 2025.
"Selama HARI LIBUR & TAHUN BARU! (Persasanku) bermixed saat mengucapkan baik pada tahun yang begitu bagi saya, tetapi saya berharap untuk memulai lagi," tulis Miley Cyrus, mengutip cuitnya, Minggu, 29 Desember.
Reflecting on what he has been doing throughout the year, Cyrus said many things had taught him valuable lessons. Not everything beautiful, he said there were several things that needed to be fought for.
"This is one of my favorite parts, not only from the creative process but also the way of life that has taught me a lot. In everything I do, I want to do everything. Give everything I have. Everything, so that everything ends, goes forward, and starts a new one," he said.
Sometimes this process can hurt you, but I always know that those pieces will reunite and create something beautiful. Thank you to everyone who has been a part and made this year so special," he continued.
Meanwhile, Cyrus won two Grammys at once in February, namely in the Record of the Year category and Best Pop Solo Performance for the song "Flowers".
Earlier this December, Cyrus also released her latest single, Beautiful That Way, which was written and recorded for the film The Last Showgirl, starring Pamela Anderson. This song was co-written by Lykke Li and Andrew totaled.
In February, he will also be nominated for the Grammys again in the Best Country Duo/Group Performance category, as Beyoncé's collaborator on the song "Il Most Wanted".
It doesn't stop there, Miley Cyrus is also preparing a new album in 2025, which is titled 'Something Beautiful', which is a continuation of the album "Endless Summer Vacation" which was released in 2023.
He described his new album as going to have hypocosis and a glamorous nuance, saying, "This is a concept album that is an attempt to treat a culture that is sick through music."
"I want to be a psychedelic human for other people. I don't want anyone to try to be like me or imitate me or even be inspired by me. I want to influence the frequency in your body that makes you vibrate at different levels."
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