JAKARTA - Komika and singer Muhammad Kadavi alias Davisiumbing show that one of the best ways to move a human heart through a song is the use of honest lyrics.

In the midst of many songs full of meaning with the use of 'njelimet' language, Davisiumbing comes with lyrics that seem 'what' is it' through the song Di Jepan Rindu.

While a guest on the HAS Creative YouTube channel, Davisiumbinh sang the song released last October in front of Praz Teguh.

"Pah, your child is starting to grow up, I'm starting to be ashamed to kiss your hand. Pah, your child is getting bigger, no longer wants to play with you. Your son is growing up, he has started to understand the meaning of life," reads the first verse of the song In the Rindu Bank, sung by Davisiumbing with his acoustic guitar.

The firm lyrics without needing to be understood again made Praz Teguh silent. He even dissolved and cried, following the song Davisiumbing.

"Ah, I've been crying a lot lately," said Praz Teguh after listening to Davisiumbing sing.

The video clip went viral on social media, especially Instagram and TikTok.

Music does have its own magical power, which can make people soluble and get carried away by the strain of the melody or song lyrics.

Not to mention, what Davisiumbing is showing also seems to undermine vocal learning that demands clear articulation.

With all his shortcomings, Davisiumbing is able to move people's hearts, at least Praz Teguh.

Davisiumbing's upload on Instagram accounts also received a lot of responses from netizens. Fellow comics and musicians also praised the song created by Davisiumbing

"The truth is that you will always find the best way around," wrote David Nurbianto.

"The song is really good, vi," said Fatih Andhika.

"Very good," said Indra Prasta.

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