JAKARTA - thrash metal giant Megadeth is working with The Realest for an exclusive memorabilia auction starting on 27 November.

You can register on TheRealest.com right now to participate in Megadeth's action and get access to authentic items played on stage and signed by Megadeth.

The Realest is a new standard of authentication and a new market for memorabilia entertainment. Getting goods directly from artists and athletes, and supported by cutting-edge authentication technology, The Realest makes it easier for collectors and fans to have the most trusted collectibles in the world.

In the video message announcing the partnership, this is said Megadeth leader Dave Mustaine.

"Hi. I'm Dave Mustaine. I'm from Megadeth, and today we're going to talk a little bit about memorabilia," said Dave.

"For me, memorabilia has pros and cons because there are many valuable and important things out there that if someone is a fan of artists or athletes, or anyone else for that reason, when they like it and want to get something authentic that belongs to that person doesn't have to be something important; it's just something that belongs to that person." he continued.

"So you have something that really touches the hearts of people you respect, people you idolize. On the other hand, I think it's really annoying when people become fans and they try hard to get something they think is genuine and know it's a scam."

"We tried and tracked down the scams that occurred on the auction site. This is a task. And that's how great we are doing here today, eliminating even a few doubts about my authentication and original legal goods or Megadeth or the people you are fans of."

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