JAKARTA - Sal Priadi again presents his new work titled Tomorrow We Go To Food as an appreciation and encouragement for the hard workers who are actively making a living for their families.

"This song expresses awards through simple celebrations such as invitations to eat together as an award for their achievements," Sal said as quoted by Antara, Wednesday.

In addition to appreciation, this song is also intended as a reminder for the hard workers to be able to take time, attention, and affection for loved ones at home.

According to Sal, this song is very relevant to the current conditions, especially after the pandemic ended now that everyone is back busy working.

The public must return to the reality of the bustle and bustle of work so that it dissolves into it.

The song, which was created in a short time, was five days, with a duration of 3.31 minutes.

When the guitar is heard and the simple lyrics blend and spoil the ears of the listeners.

Although the lyrics are simple, when listened to, it gives a deep meaning and a warm atmosphere.

"Hopefully this song can become a friend on the way to work, and also as a reminder of the house when we return home," concluded the musician from Malang.

Tomorrow, we will eat and be able to be enjoyed on various digital streaming platforms available in Indonesia.

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