JAKARTA - The Christmas and New Year holidays have ended, and some people traveling out of town on motorbikes have now returned to their daily routines. However, it is better for motorists to re-examine the condition of their vehicles.

The reason is, after traveling long distances, there is a possibility that the motorcycle being driven is no longer in prime condition. This is because the motorcycle components have worked extra during the trip.

For this reason, it is highly recommended for motorcycle owners to carry out proper checks and treatments after traveling. This check aims to re-optimize the performance of motorcycles and ensure the safety of motorists.

"For those who take advantage of the Christmas and New Year holidays to travel long distances, making vehicles work extra, it is very necessary to check and maintain proper maintenance of their vehicles before returning to their daily routines. Because the condition of the prime motor is one of the factors supporting safety and smooth driving," said Antonius Widiantoro, Asst. Marketing Manager, Public Relations, PT Yamaha Indonesia Motor Mfg, in an official statement received, Friday, January 12.

Here are tips for maintaining motorbikes after a long holiday:

The first step that needs to be done is to clean the motorcycle from attached dirt, such as dust, soil, and oil. Sticky dirt can inhibit the performance of motorcycle components or even make them damaged.

Machine oil is one of the most important components in a motorcycle. Machine oil works to lubricate the components of the machine and prevent it from wear.

After traveling long distances, it is necessary to check the volume and thickness of the engine oil. Machine oils that are still suitable for use have a thick and clear fluid texture. The volume also does not decrease according to the standards set by the manufacturer.

Aki serves to supply electricity to motorcycle components, such as lights, starters, and other electrical systems.

After traveling long distances, it is necessary to check the battery voltage. The battery that is still suitable for use has voltage above 12.4 voltages.

The air filter serves to filter air entering the engine. Clean air will make the engine work more optimally.

After traveling long distances, it is necessary to check the condition of the air filter. Dirty air filters can make the pull of a motorcycle become heavy and fuel consumption becomes inefficient.

Brake campas serves to stop motorbikes. The thin brake camp can cause the brakes to not work properly.

After traveling long distances, it is necessary to check the thickness of the brake camp. The thin brake camp needs to be replaced.

Suspension functions to reduce shocks when a motorcycle is traveling. Suspension that doesn't work properly can make driving uncomfortable and dangerous.

After traveling long distances, it is necessary to check the condition of the suspension. Suspension that leaks or is damaged needs to be repaired or replaced.

Tires are components that come into direct contact with the road surface. Tires that are in good condition will provide optimal traction and make driving safer.

After traveling long distances, it is necessary to check the condition of the tires. Tires that are torn, with holes, or aus need to be replaced.

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