JAKARTA - Electrum, a local electric motorcycle company officially released its first model, H5, equipped with a Battery Swap Station (BSS) system.
In the early stages, the company plans to introduce H5 as an application-based transportation vehicle, in line with GoRide Electric and Gojek as part of the expansion of the electric motorcycle project from the GoTo Group. This step demonstrates Electrum's commitment to accelerating the development of a comprehensive electric vehicle ecosystem.
"The identification of the H5 motorbike is the result of input from our partners," said Pandu Sjahrir, President Commissioner of Electrum, in his remarks at the launch of H5 in Bale Nusa, Jakarta, on Thursday, November 9.
Electrum explained that this H5 motorbike is the work of Indonesian local designers and engineers, namely Muhammad Rayhan Arifinsyah as a mechanical engineer for Electrum and Yuditya Pratamaputra as a vehicle research and development Electrum. The H5 design is based on a commercial trial with Gojek, taking into account input from Gojek partners. From performance to design and technology, H5 is designed according to the daily mobility needs of Indonesians.
"Today's events are a continuation of an important milestone with the launch of the local ecosystem. This achievement is inseparable from the cooperation of various parties, especially from GoJek, GoTo, and Pertamina partners, in advancing this ecosystem," said Patrick Adhiatmadja, Managing Director of Electrum.

With a striking futuristic design with a combination of green, blue, and metallic colors, the Electrum H5 offers a large baggage capacity of up to 25 liters capable of storing one helmet and two batteries, although in a compact form. The motor is equipped with advanced features, such as a starting keyless that allows users to turn on the bike without a key. In addition, this motor is connected to the ELMA application developed by Electrum, which monitors vehicle conditions and provides nearby BSS location information.
In terms of performance, H5 is supported by a 4 kW dynamo at 3,000 rpm and a 30 Nm torque at 1,600 Nm, with a maximum speed of 90 km/hour and acceleration from 0 to 60 km/hour in 6 seconds.
This motorbike is capable of traveling a distance of up to 120 km with two batteries and 60 km with one battery. This electric motor power source comes from nickel-based lithium-ion batteries with a capacity of 1.8 kWh.
In addition to launching H5, Electrum has also strengthened cooperation with several companies, including Pertamina, by placing battery exchange stations at various gas stations in Jakarta. Currently, the company has prepared around 40 BSS with a target of 150 locations by the end of 2023.
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