JAKARTA - Automotive manufacturer from Japan, Honda, has been launching hybrid products in Indonesia since 2023 by introducing CR-V RS e: HEV and Accord e: HEV. Both models mark the manufacturer's move in the national electrification market.
Not satisfied with that, the manufacturer with the upright 'H' logo also plans to launch a model with other hybrid drivers for this year.
Sales & Marketing and After Sales Director of PT Honda Prospect Motor (HPM), Yusak Billy explained that his party will launch up to three other hybrid products for this year.
"In 2025, we will launch three other hybrid products," Billy said in his explanation at the breaking of the fast with the media in Sunter, Jakarta, Friday, March 21.
Although it has not been further disclosed about the model, Billy explained that several of the cars had been exhibited before and were introduced in stages.
This year we support environmentally friendly vehicles. Maybe friends already know what the leak is," added Billy.
It is estimated that the three models are hybrid cars that have been introduced in the outside market, such as Civic e: HEV, HR-V e: HEV, and Step WGN which have been exhibited at various events since last year.
Honda Civic e: HEV has been introduced in neighboring countries, namely Malaysia and Thailand. This is the first time in the history of this model carrying an efficient hybrid system.
Civic e: HEV will be equipped with a natural-assisted Atkinson-cycle 2.0 liter engine combined with an electric propulsion generator that provides a combined power of up to 181 hp and a 315 Nm torque.
Meanwhile, HR-V e:HEV is the next model to arrive in the country. What's more, the SUV has been registered in the DKI Jakarta Province Motor Vehicle Selling Value (NJKB) with the code RV58 consisting of two models, the first being CVT ZZ and CVT ZZ.
This car is armed with an Atkinson 1.5 liter naturally-assisted engine combined with e-CVT transmission and two electric motors, thus encouraging 129 hp and 253 Nm torque.
The last model is one that the Indonesian public has been waiting for, namely Step WGN. The van has been introduced nationally since the 2024 Gaikindo Indonesia International Auto Show (GIIAS).
Step WGN has a 2.0 liter Atkinson-cycle machine combined with a hybrid e:HEV system developed by Honda, so that it is able to generate up to 182 hp and the torque reaches 315 Nm.
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