JAKARTA - Toyota is rumored to be launching an SUV holding the title of best-selling vehicle in America by 2024. The model in question is the latest generation of RAV4 which is expected to launch by the end of 2025.

Quoting from the Carscoops page, Monday, January 27, 2025, several times the SUV, which will be the sixth generation, was caught on camera testing roads in Japan, but still covered with camouflage on all parts.

Most recently, images suspected of being the latest generation of Toyota RAV4 were leaked in China. Please note, the RAV4 model for the Chinese market, known as Wildlander and scattered images, is the latest generation of the model.

It did not say whether the image was the same model for the latest generation of RAV4 considering that Wildlander (China's version of RAV4) has a different front and back look.

Interior Improvement

Although there is no more detailed explanation regarding the latest generation, including from the interior, it is hoped that there will be a change. This refers to the latest generation Camry which has changed to the cabin.

The list of technologies presented by the latest generation of RAV4 is likely to encapsulate a wide infotainment display with sharper graphics and support for Apple CarPlay, Android Auto, and Amazon Alexa for better voice recognition control at various functions.

Premium touch such as head-up display (HUD), panoramic sunset, ambient lighting, and wireless charging are also expected to come.

RAV4 engine

Previously, rumors were spread that the latest generation of RAV4 would come with a 1.5 liter turbocharged engine that was newly developed, but it doesn't seem like it will be present in the latest model. On the other hand, 2.5 liter engines and a known plug-in hybrid system will return despite a slight increase in energy and efficiency.

More important news is the possibility of a fully electric-powered variant. The details are still minimal, but it is reported that a revision to the TNGA-K platform has taken full electrification into account.

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