BYD's Electrification Vehicle Sales Rose 49 Percent In April 2024
Photo: BYD Seal (source: BYD Global)

JAKARTA - BYD, a well-known auto giant from China, returned to the positive result in the electrification segment last April globally. According to the company, this is the second best achievement and almost close to a record in December 2023.

According to an InsideEVs report, Saturday, May 4, sales of plug-in cars with passengers reached 312,048 units last month with 134,465 units of which were Battery Electric Vehicles (BEVs), an increase of 29 percent.

Then, 177,583 units of Plug-In Hybrid (PHEV) were sold, up to 69 percent last month. All of these results include vehicles from BYD's sub-brand.

Meanwhile, commercial BYD plug-in (BEV and PHEV) vehicles were sold as many as 1,197 units. Meanwhile, the results of foreign sales reached 41,011 units or contributed 13 percent of the total volume.

This is a new record with a massive growth rate of 177 percent from last year in the same period. It's not surprising considering that export activities from China are the main focus of this manufacturer.

During the four months of 2024, BYD managed to sell 936,446 units, up to 24 percent. Of these, the BEV segment contributed 434,579 units or recorded an 18 percent increase and PHEV with 501,867 units, an increase of 29 percent.

Last year, this manufacturer from China managed to sell 3,024,417 units or experienced a significant increase of up to 61.9 percent compared to the previous period.

Battery-powered electric vehicles (BEVs) managed to dominate the market by contributing 52.3 percent or selling 1.57 million units of total sales. Meanwhile, plug-in hybrid vehicles (PHEVs) took second place with a market share of 47.7 percent or sold 1.44 million units in 2023.

Meanwhile, last December, the manufacturer had sold 341,043 units of which the BEV segment dominated up to 56 percent and PHEV hit 44 percent of the total.

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