JAKARTA - Having been waiting for a long time, Tesla officially launched a Cybertruck at the end of 2023 and is claimed to be the most advanced model ever produced by this brand.

Elon Musk, as CEO of the company, has demonstrated the strength of stainless steel in this model. However, this electric-powered pickup was found problematic from consumers that this body could not stand the weather.

Reporting from the Daily Mail, Saturday, February 17, a number of consumers who already have a Cybertruck reported that there were carats littering the exterior after driving it for two days in the rain.

Will, one of the car owners shared his experience in the Cybertruck forum, stated that he bought the car on February 1 and saw corrosion in this material after 11 days of use or a distance of 613 km.

Then, the owner of this vehicle has taken the Cybertruck to a facility. However, the staff did not have the right equipment to repair it and it would take about a month to repair.

Meanwhile, another user named Raxar also complained about the same problem by saying that his vehicle had orange carats when it rained and required to rub the parts that were experiencing defects.

According to a report from the Sperko Engineering Services, this condition occurs when the material meets with moisture in the atmosphere for several days, causing stainless scars that tarnish the appearance of the Cybertruck.

Last year, Elon Musk said that the owner of Cybertruck will have the option of buying a tungsten karbida layer that has the ability to protect the body from corrosion. Unfortunately, the additional costs that must be redeemed are not yet known.

This is not the first time the Cybertruck model has had a problem. Earlier in January, one of the owners complained of imperfections in production, namely that there were panels that were not aligned when viewed carefully.

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