JAKARTA - Harmoko was one of the most prominent officials in the New Order (Orba). The former Minister of Information is a close person to Suharto who is well-known for being Islamic. However, his Islamic image was destroyed in an instant. He is called a deviant from Islam. His Hajj title has been questioned by many parties.

Harmoko is famous for actively attending Muslim celebrations. From boarding schools to universities. Harmoko is considered a tough person who is able to enter the most elite circle in the New Order power map. Harmoko was even chosen by Suharto to be an elite official for three periods of his reign.

As Minister of Information, he is remembered as the person who appears most often on television. In the morning and evening, Harmoko has consistently been the messenger of The Smiling General. Harmoko, who is also a former journalist, helped bridge the government and the press.

This is done to maintain national stability through "constructive" news. Harmoko also wrapped this positive image with an Islamic style of concern for Islamic life. Harmoko has never been absent from attending schools, Islamic boarding schools, universities, and other Islamic activities.

Harmoko never took off his black cap. During visits to regions or Islamic boarding schools. This little thing legitimizes his Islamic figure. Islamic display bears sweet fruit. Harmoko received an honorable title in Sumatra, namely: Buya Haji Ahmad Harmoko.

Harmoko (Source: Perpusnas.go.id)

“In North Sumatra Province alone, Harmoko has changed at least seven times 'clothing.' At the Daar Ul'Uluum Kisaran Islamic Boarding School, Harmoko gave a religious lecture. This is where the pesantren family raised Harmoko, who had already had a pilgrimage, to be a 'relative of the pesantren' with the title Buya Haji Ahmad Harmoko."

"The minister also visited Rawomataluwo Village, Gunung Sitoli, Nias Regency. Here, Harmoko met face-to-face with the Listeners, Readers and Viewers Group (kelompencapir) and registered to become a member of the cooperative", wrote Tempo Magazine's report entitled Safari Ramadhan (1989).

"The community welcomed him with great enthusiasm. Despite his status as 'on his way', this energetic minister has never broken his fast. He took the time to break his fast with the community and then pray Tarawih together.

"It is during prayer times that Harmoko prefers her 'old clothes,' which is her favorite black cap. So, the traditional clothes, especially the head covering given by the welcome, are taken off for a while," the report added.

His Islamic image is also displayed on every occasion on the small screen. Harmoko often quotes the Koran and Hadith to show the emotional closeness between the government and the Indonesian people. That narrative is crucial for the government to build people's support in national development.

Habibie, Suharto, Harmoko (Source: Commons Wikimedia)

With a sense of optimism rely on togetherness, unity, and unity as a Muslim. "The figures of Suharto and Habibie were predicted by the MPR to be able to bring the nation to face Indonesia's future. In fact, Harmoko, who is known to be loyal to accompany Suharto, stated that he had given the mandate and mandate to the right address."

"Citing the holy Koran, Harmoko said, 'Give the mandate to the experts' and the hadith of the Prophet: 'If a matter is left to those who are not experts, then wait for the moment of destruction,' said Femi Adi Soempeno in the book Mereka Mengkhianati Saya: Sikap Anak-Anak Emas Soeharto di Penghujung Orde Baru (2008).

Accused of insulting Islam

Harmoko's Islamic image was also shown in the Festival Greget Dalang 1995. The puppet festival, which was held at the Surakarta Palace, became an event for Harmoko, who was also the mastermind to strengthen his Islamic image. Harmoko opened the festival by staging a short episode before the main puppet show.

But Harmoko made a mistake. Harmoko mispronounced the last verse of Surah Al Fatihah. Harmoko who forgot to pronounce the last verse “ṣirāṭallażīna an'amta 'alaihim gairil-magḍụbi 'alaihim wa laḍ-ḍāllīn” with the words “dalat-dulit”. Usually a mastermind does not start a performance by reading a part of the Koran aloud.

The error is not really a problem. The audience, which was dominated by sinden (singer) and gamelan musicians, answered in a chorus: Amen. Moreover, many of the audience came from Abangan circles, who actually didn't really care about Harmoko's mistakes.

A different view emerged three weeks later from the Islamist Party, the Partai Persatuan Pembangunan (PPP) Fraction. PPP told reporters that Harmoko had strayed far from the Koran's spiritual intentions. Harmoko's mistake in reading Al-Fatihah became a serious topic that was widely covered by the media.

New Order Information Minister Harmoko (Source: Commons Wikimedia)

Even after that, the title of Hajj which was in front of Harmoko name was questioned. Even though the PPP had forgiven Harmoko, the demonstrations by the Muslims were getting worse. The protesters said that Harmoko's pronunciation of the last verse of Al-Fatihah was not a matter of slipping the tongue. Harmoko is accused of deliberately changing the verse to harass Muslims.

"In a meeting between protesters and representatives from various parliamentary factions, a spokesman for the protesters, Ahmad Yani, revealed that Harmoko's case should be brought to court because Harmoko did not seem to slip up in saying Al-Fatihah".

"Because (Al Fatihah) is said at least 17 times a day by the Muslim community... Therefore, whether or not Harmoko is intentional, the case must be examined because Harmoko is not a new Muslim," wrote John R. Bowen in the book Islamic Prayer Across The Indian Ocean: Inside and Outside The Mosque (2018).

The case subsided when Harmoko apologized to Muslims throughout Indonesia. As part of seeking support, Harmoko also explained the problem of the "slip tongue" problem of reading Al-Fatihah directly to Suharto.

“The reporters asked the Minister of Justice if Harmoko should be brought to justice, given that a similar case has been brought before the court. The pressure was blocked in Harmoko through his representatives in the regions, he apologized to the community, especially to Muslims. The festival committee also apologizes".

"When this method could not solve this problem, Harmoko appeared formally in front of President Soeharto, explained his actions and apologized", concluded Sumarsam in the book Memaknai Wayang dan Gamelan: Temu Silang Jawa, Islam, and Global (2018).

*Read other information about HISTORY or read other interesting writings from Yudhistira Mahabharata.


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