JAKARTA Memories of today, three years ago, March 18, 2022, the Minister of State Apparatus Empowerment and Bureaucratic Reform (Menpan RB), Tjahjo Kumolo promised the first phase of the 60 thousand ASN, Polri, and TNI to the Capital City of the Archipelago (IKN) in 2024. The move plan is considered a form of the government's seriousness.

Previously, the plan to move the capital city of Indonesia from Jakarta to Penajam Paser Utara was getting serious. Development Gelora accelerated. Joko Widodo (Jokowi) considers Jakarta unfit to be the capital city. IKN will soon replace it.

President Jokowi's ambition to move the capital city is unbearable. He considered Jakarta unfit to be the capital city. Jakarta is considered a lot of problems from flooding to congestion. The option of moving the capital city outside Java is rolled out.

He chose Penajam Paser Utara, East Kalimantan. He named the new capital city as IKN. Its development began to intensify from the period of Jokowi's two powers. He considers the development of IKN not only a symbol of identity, but also a representation of the nation's progress.

The newly planned capital city of Indonesia will appear modern. No more use of fossil energy. IKN only wants the use of new and renewable energy. Development is not smooth. Debates arise everywhere.

Not a few also think that there are things that are more urgent than building a new capital city. President Jokowi does not take the light of criticism that comes. Indonesia's dream of having a new capital city continues.

He also asked for support from all Indonesian people so that the IKN development would be completed soon. Jokowi immediately determined the Head and Deputy Authority of IKN. A regional head figure whose position is at the ministerial level.

Jokowi also appointed Bambang Susantono and Dhony Rahajoe as the Head and Deputy Head of the IKN Authority on March 10, 2022. This choice was considered reasonable. Jokowi considered Bambang the right figure because he had been Deputy Minister of Transportation for the 2010-2014 era.

Jokowi also believes that the important experience during the Managing Director of the Sinar Mas Land President Office is needed. Both are expected to be able to present programs from IKN that were built for all.

So the existing programs are certainly not just physically building once again. We also want to build social resilience, want to build a dynamic, vibrant society, so that once again this will become a city for all,city for all.

"We ask for the support of all levels of society so that together we build this city of the archipelago. The goal is for IKN to become a city that is once again inclusive, green, smart, and sustainable," said Bambang as quoted by the page Menpan.go.id the day after, March 11, 2022.

The seriousness of moving to IKN is also being emphasized by Menpan RB, Tjahjo Kumolo on March 18, 2022. He promised that 60,000 people would be transferred to the first phase of IKN, or cluster one in 2024. They consist of ASN, members of the TNI, and Polri.

Menpan RB also prepared a detailed plan related to the transfer of ASN and government officials. They prepared a plan of up to five clusters from 2024-2034. Tjahjo revealed that the plan was rolled out so that optimism for IKN development would continue. Even though the plan was not realized later because the facilities were not complete.

"The first stage is 60,000 ASN, the TNI-Polri have been discussed in the Kemenpan RB and Bappenas meetings. The stages of moving ASN and ministries/agencies are carried out in stages in 2024-2034. By taking into account the readiness of IKN infrastructure development.

"Then, the election of ministries/agencies that move to consider the order regarding government institutions is based on the 1945 Constitution, the State Ministry Law, the State Ministry of State's Presidential Decree and the effectiveness of government administration," said Tjahjo as quoted by the COMPASS.com page, March 18, 2022.

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