JAKARTA - No one doubts that the power of Suharto and the New Order is fully supported by the military. They are guards of power. The narrative is fully supported by the emergence of ABRI Dwifunctions. ABRI members can enter civil office. Even if they do not have the skills to be qualified in certain fields.
ABRI while being used as a government weapon pushed back against New Order political opponents. The people became furious and didn't play. They demanded the removal of the ABRI Dwifunction and the military immediately returned to the barracks.
President Suharto tried to bring a militaristic aroma in his power as Indonesia's number one person. He was able to embrace as a large general of ABRI (now: TNI). They fully support all kinds of policies echoed by the New Order government.
The military is also side by side with the Golkar Group of works (Golkar) as a powerful political tool for New Order. This narrative made Suharto not forget ABRI's services. He then agreed with the idea of an Indonesian military figure, AH Nasution who wanted ABRI members to enter midfield politics in 1969.
The middle way in question is so that ABRI can hold military positions as well as civil office. People then got to know him by the name of ABRI's Dwifunction. Whoever members fully support Suharto and New Order, they will get a civil term.
ABRI then entered into the Indonesian government system. Those who made a profit emerged from the general level to the kopral level. They can win any civil office, from the high level to the sub-district class. They can become ministers. They may also become sub-district heads.
Everything can be regulated by the New Order government. In fact, the military can become representatives of the people -- the DPR and the MPR. This condition makes all kinds of eruptions of people's resistance easily extinguished. Not to mention that ABRI members are used as a means of maintaining investment.
They came to keep the investment running smoothly. People who do not agree will be beaten. Sometimes it is also labeled as a sympathizer of the Indonesian Communist Party (PKI) if it rejects the government's wishes.
ABRI's dyfunction is certainly not something that can be underestimated. Giving permission to individual members of the military to enter politics and the economy narrows down opportunities and the right of civil society to play a role in the development of the country.
The amount of movement space for members of the military also strengthens the militaristic style of government carried out by Suharto. The application of ABRI's Dwifunction has long-term impacts," said Dhianita Kusuma Pertiwi in the book Regarding the New Order (2021).
ABRI's Dwifunction is starting to feel a lot of harm, rather than benefits. Not all ABRI members who occupy strategic civilian positions have the ability to fulfill it. This condition further worsens state management.
ABRI's presence is only considered good for the rulers. However, not for the people. Moreover, the number of corruption has increased. Unek-unek related to ABRI's repression has also appeared everywhere. All Indonesian people are starting to get angry.
They also expressed their frustration with ABRI's Dwifunction. Gelora wanted to remove ABRI's Dwifunction was brought in every demonstration against the New Order in 1998. The action brought results. Later Suharto and New Order collapsed.
The Reformation era also shined. Important demands to remove ABRI's Dwifunction continued to surge. However, the abolition was not easy. This wish was present in Bacharuddin Jusuf Habibie's government but could not be resolved. Habibie is too busy improving the Indonesian economy.
The desire to remove the Dwifunction of ABRI was only realized when Abdurrahman Wahid (Gus Dur) became President of Indonesia. Gus Dur thought that the New Order was too simplifying the meaning of dyfunction. New Order is considered to only imagine that ABRI members will definitely be versatile if they serve as civilian positions, but in reality they don't.
As a result, Gus Dur made the decision to agree to remove the ABRI Dwifunction in 2000. The abolition was carried out slowly. Gus Dur considers members of the military not to have to enter the military. The government also has the task of immediately prospering members of the military so as not to look for work outside the barracks.
For members of the military who want to enter and occupy civilian positions, it is not removed. The opportunity is wide open, as long as the members of the military want to leave the military world. The rest, they can start a new career as government officials.
To wait for the maturity of time to stop the operational function of his government - ABRI, it should be done first. First, it must improve the welfare of our retirees so that they can achieve a decent standard of living. Second, finalizing the concept of the retirement preparation period (MPP) in such a way.
The process was carried out until MPP became a place to finalize itself for prospective retirees, in order to achieve new positions in civil society after they left the army service. Say something like ROTC (Reserve Officers Training Course) in the United States which produces people like Richard Nixon and Bill Clinton," said Gus Dur in his writings in Kompas Daily entitled Dwifunction ABRI: Principle and Cara (1998).
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