JAKARTA Memories of today, four years ago, March 13, 2021, Yahgu University made New Zealand's Prime Minister (PM) Jacinda Ardern the name of a new species of giant cricket: Hemiandrus Jacinda. The name was given because of Ardern's popular figure. In addition, because the cricket is red, typical of the Labor Party.

Previously, Ardern was known as a woman with high courage in the political map of New Zealand. He is the chairman of the Labor Party. A big leap in his political career. He was later elected PM of New Zealand.

Women entering politics are common in the modern era. However, women who are respected in the world of politics can be counted with fingers. Take Ardern for example. The woman who was born in Hamilton, New Zealand, July 26, 1980, has entered the ranks of representatives of the people of New Zealand since 2008.

His actions as a member of parliament are not easy. He is often underestimated because he was born as a woman. He is considered not to understand much in the world of politics. However, Ardern actually showed the opposite.

He became a vocal politician. He often voiced many things related to the lives of the New Zealand people from cultural matters to poverty. This condition made his political career run well. Ardern was also able to sit as Chairman of the Labor Party from 2017.

His presence in the Labor Party brought a new color. The Labor Party was flooded with volunteers. In fact, the contribution of the Labor Party has increased due to the presence of volunteers known as Jacindamania.

The people of New Zealand are excited again with the world of politics. Moreover, Ardern himself was elected as PM of New Zealand since 2017. He represented the hopes of many people. Initially Ardern's popularity was only known on a domestic scale.

Later Ardern has often appeared in the world's mass media for carrying out a series of quick response measures. He immediately went to the families of the victims of the tragedy of the shooting of the Christchurch Mosque in 2019. He set a day of national mourning. His speech then touched the world.

We may have laid flowers, performed haka (traditional dance), sang songs, or just hugged. However, even when we can't speak, we still hear what you say, and your words have made us humble and united.

Over the past two weeks we have heard stories from those affected by this terrorist attack. Those stories are stories of courage. Stories about those born here, growing here, or making New Zealand their home. Those who have sought refuge, or seek a better life for themselves or their families," Ardern said as his full speech quoted on The Guardian's page, March 28, 2019.

Ardern's popularity continues to increase when New Zealand is surrounded by the COVID-19 pandemic. Ardern acted deftly by making quick and measurable decisions. This condition makes the virus transmission rate from Wuhan significant.

That popularity then made a number of researchers from Buckingham University attracted. Those who have just discovered a new special giant cricket want to appreciate Ardern. At its peak, the new species of giant crickets was named after Ardern with the Latin name Hemiandrus Jacinda on March 13, 2021.

The new species of giant crickets is considered by them to represent Ardern's spirit. The color is red - similar to the Labor Party. The giant Jangkrik is also considered as beautiful as Ardern. Ardern himself is happy that he is not playing with his name immortalized as the name cricket.

New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern has accepted what may be his biggest award so far: a large cricket named after him. A new species of giant flying cricket that is an endemic animal in New Zealand is named Hemiandrus Jacinda because it is typical of the Labor Party's red color.

Steven Trewick, a professor of evolutionary ecology at Buckingham University in New Zealand and a scientist who named and officially described the insect, said that according to him the insect reflects the prime minister's properties. It is a striking species, she said, and she considers it beautiful," Elle Hunt said in his article on The Guardian's website entitled Heriandrus Jacinda: Insect Named after New Zealand Prime Minister (2021).

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