JAKARTA Memories of today, five years ago, February 1, 2019, the hashtag #YangGajiYouWho went viral on various social media. The hashtag comes from a statement by the Minister of Communication and Information (Menkominfo), Rudiantara who is considered to side with Joko Widodo (Jokowi) in the 2019 Presidential Election.
Previously, the 2019 presidential election brought its own heat pressure. Jokowi and Prabowo again competed to occupy the throne of the number one person in Indonesia. Support for both of them poured in. In fact, there are state officials who have to be neutral and even show partiality.
No one doubts the heat tension of the 2019 presidential election. The political contestation again brought together two strong presidential candidates. Jokowi's number one camp and Prabowo Subianto's second team. The presence of the two presidential candidates is like dividing the whole of Indonesia in two.
This condition made the party engine with enthusiasm to organize various campaigns. They want the presidential candidate program to be carried according to the wishes of the people. Supporters of the two presidential candidates did not want to lose.
Many of them began to go down directly in gathering support for their neighbors. They tried to introduce their Junjung program to the public regarding future efforts to improve the lives of the Indonesian people.
Problems arose when state officials minister, mayor, regent issued a smell of support for their boss who was competing in the 2019 presidential election. State officials should be neutral in accordance with Election Law Number 7 of 2017.
They cannot use their power to influence ASN choosing from one of the presidential candidates. If this is done, there will be protests everywhere. Take for example when the Minister of Communication and Information, Rudiantara asked for the opinion of Kominfo employees regarding the two election socialization designs on January 31, 2019.
One ASN also firmly chose the number two design by linking it to the 2019 presidential election. Rudiantara responded by answering who your salary was to the ASN.
'Mom, ma'am, who is paying whose mother's salary now? Who is the government? Heh? Not the mother's belief? Yes, thank you. Friends, we have already conveyed it as Kominfo, don't be late just to the presidential election.
"In fact, we have to be the speakers of differences. So please leave my friends, what I said earlier was that we have a choice, the right is regulated. But we as Kominfo must be able to unite differences of opinion," said Rudiantara at the Next Kominfo event at the Gelora Bung Karno Basketball Hall as quoted on the detik.com page, January 31, 2019.
Rudiantara's statement asked ASN regarding salary brought a stir everywhere. Rudiantara was immediately labeled as having sided with Jokowi. In fact, Rudiantara as a state official should be neutral, not even supporting his boss who is competing in the 2019 presidential election.
The excitement brought criticism everywhere. The social media scene was excited by the rise of the hashtag #YangGajiAndaWho on February 1, 2019. The hashtag resonated on various social media mainly on Twitter/X.
Social media users regret that Rudiantara's statement is like intimidating ASN to support Jokowi. Rudiantara was then reported to Bawaslu because his statement was considered like a campaigner rather than a state official.
"The action taken by Rudiantara is categorized as a campaign because it directs people to choose the number one pair (Jokowi-Ma'ruf) by questioning and intimidating ASN about whose salary."
"This is wrong and a vulgar violation is committed. This is an election sentence that is threatened with 3 years imprisonment. Rudiantara should know that the salaries of ASN and also the salaries of the president and ministerial salaries come from the APBN, from public money, not government money, let alone Jokowi's money. This is a fatal mistake," said BPN spokesman Prabowo-Sandi, Ferdinand Hutahaean as quoted on the Tirto page, February 1, 2019.
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