JAKARTA Memories today, five years ago, December 6, 2019, Police General Listyo Sigit Prabowo was appointed as Head of the Criminal Investigation Agency (Kabareskrim) of the National Police. Listyo is believed to be the right person to eradicate all kinds of criminal acts.
Previously, Listyo was known as a graduate of the 1991 Akpol class. His career as a law enforcement officer was successful. He is known to be close to political figures Joko Widodo (Jokowi). Jokowi's move to Jakarta, Listyo's move to Jakarta. He has won various positions.
Little Listyo Sigit Prabowo is known as a quiet person when he becomes a school child. The man who was born in Ambon, May 5, 1969, did not have much behavior. He has been disciplined since childhood. He often stays away from minimal benefits.
He prefers activities that are useful, especially self-defense. He was also a brilliant child at the academic level. Fate also brought him to the Police Academy (Akpol). He is serious about following his education. All kinds of challenges are tried to be conquered.
The results are easy to guess. Listyo was able to graduate from the Police Academy in 1991. The narrative took place as a police officer. He was listed as a middle officer who served a lot in Central Java. Listyo's extension as a leader began to be seen when he became the Pati Police Chief in 2009 and the Sukoharjo Police Chief in 2010.
He also felt that he was the Deputy Chief of the Semarang City Police. However, something that changed his life appeared when he was appointed as the Surakarta City Police Chief in 2011. His career in Solo made Listiyo familiar with the Mayor of Solo in the 2005-2012 era, Joko Widodo. The closeness of the two is getting warmer.
The fate of bringing Listiyo Sigit to Jakarta coincided with Jokowi being the Governor of DKI Jakarta in 2012. At that time Listiyo Sigit served as Head of Sub-Directorate II of the National Police's Criminal Investigation Directorate.
He also felt that he was the Director of General Criminal Investigation at the Southeast Sulawesi Police in 2013. The most interesting thing was that Listiyo was chosen by Jokowi as his aide when he was President of Indonesia from 2014-2016.
His career became even more sluggish after two years as an aide. Listyo was later promoted to the Banten Police Chief in 2016. This is where he received the first star on his shoulder. His rank rose to become Brigadier General Police."
He is the first person in the 1991 Akpol class to reach the rank of general. Two years later, Listyo's star increased again. Listyo was promoted to Head of the Propam Division in 2018. His rank rose to Inspector General," said Fawer Sihite in the book Mata Awam: Leadership of General Listyo Sigit Prabowo (2023).
Dewi Fortuna continues to be present in Listyo's life. The National Police, which is optimizing the performance of the organization, then appointed Listyo as the Head of the Criminal Investigation Unit of the National Police on December 6, 2019. The basis for the appointment was through the National Police Chief's Telegram Letter Number: ST/3229/XII/KEP./2019.
He shared the position. Listyo promised to do a good job. He can't wait to uncover many crime cases. The job was done well. A career path that Listyo made the stepping stone to be appointed as the National Police Chief in 2021.
"I will carry out the mandate as well as possible. Thank you for the mandate given, there are many new tasks that must be carried out, especially in the field of law enforcement," Listyo said a few days later, quoted on Detik.com page, December 8, 2019.
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