JAKARTA Memori hari ini, lima tahun yang lalu, 2 November 2019, Partai Keadilan Sejahtera (PKS) kecam Menteri Agama (Menag) Fachrul Razi yang mencoba melarang penggunaan cadar dan katu ncingkrang oleh Aparatur Sipil Negara (ASN). Mereka menganggap Fachrul kurang kerja.
Previously, Fachrul, who had just been inaugurated as Minister of Religion, caused controversy. Fachrul tried to ban the use of cadar and cingkrang pants which were considered a symbol of radicalism. The ban then drew criticism from here and there.
Efforts to embrace religion in radicals often bring danger. Excessive fanatism makes one can darken the eyes of others as a threat. They may disturb other people's worship at any time to commit violence.
Minister of Religion, Fachrul Razi did not deny this phenomenon. He, who has just been appointed as Minister of Religion, wants to prevent radicalism from growing protracted. This desire became the main focus. Fachrul also considers that resistance to radicalism must be fought in various ways. The prohibition of clothing, for example.
He tried to prohibit ASN from wearing cadar and cingkrang pants. The prohibition was carried out because both of them were considered as symbols of radicalism. Anyone wearing a veil or cingkrang pants is clearly considered to have been exposed to radicalism.
The statement was made because Fachrul considered that currently many people pretended not to know the symbol of radicalism. Distribution can actually be a serious problem. The threat of radicalism is real. He also did not hesitate to criticize scholars who advocate the use of lidar and cingkrang pants.
The Ministry of Religion will conduct counseling related to breaking the chain of radicalism. Fachrul will also try to include a religious moderation curriculum so that religion does not have to be fanatical in teaching materials for school children.
Then the issue of kongkrang-cingkrang pants is not prohibited from the religious aspect. Because religion does not prohibit it. But from the rules, employees can, for example, when they are reprimanded, how come they are high? You don't see what the state rules are?
"If you can't follow your exit. Second, what I don't see is a veil, it's dangerous for people to come in, they don't know whose face it is," Fachrul said as quoted on the coil page, October 30, 2019.
The ban on lidar and cingkrang pants has drawn a polemic. Criticism has emerged from everywhere. PKS, which incidentally has Islamic ideology, also criticized on October 2, 2019. PKS considers Fachrul to be underworked.
Fachrul is considered to be more focused on subtantiating matters, not dealing with ASN clothing. This means that PKS will support the government's move to fight radicalism as long as it touches on subtantiative things, not symbolic.
"The minister of religion doesn't know because maybe he is a parent. It could be that he doesn't understand that the child's style now wears pants and so on.
"But yesterday the suppression firm in our opinion was quite bad. Finally, seeing it as something that is identified with the characteristics of radical people," said PKS spokesman Ahmad Fathul Bari, quoted on the tempo.co page, November 2, 2019.
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