JAKARTA - Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has never forgotten the influence of young people in building the nation. This narrative made Jokowi appoint seven young people as special staff (stafsus) millennials. Instead of bringing results, Jokowi's millennial staff got into trouble. Andi Taufan Garuda Putra, for example.

The figure of the young entrepreneur was initially considered to be able to provide fresh ideas for the government. Far from being roasted from fire. Andi actually made a big blunder. He used the letterhead of the Presidential Palace (Kabinet Secretariat) for his personal interests.

The involvement of young people in the nation's growth and development is very much needed. The problem is that not all government regimes want to be proud to share space with young people. The ranks of ordinary ministerial seats are automatically filled by those who have high flying hours. Young people are rarely involved.

Jokowi also wants to change it. He tried to make a new breakthrough by involving young people who excel in his government. Jokowi also chose seven young people to become his millennial staff on November 21, 2019.

They include Ayu Kartika Dewi, Putri Indahsari Tanjung, Gracia Billy Mambrasar, Aminudin Ma'ruf, Angkie Yudistia, Adamas Belva Syah Devara and Andi Taufan Garuda Putra. Jokowi hopes that his young people will choose to create innovations, ideas, ideas, or breakthroughs.

Pros and cons had emerged from the names of young people who were raised. Those who support the presence of millennial staff are considered to bring new colors to the Jokowi government. Moreover, some of them have a myriad of flashy achievements. Optimism comes for a moment.

However, when opening a millennial staff ulcer. Their involvement is considered to have no major influence. Andi Taufan Garuda Putra, for example. The initial presence is expected to provide input around the climate of startups and MSMEs.

Problems arise. Harvard Kennedy School graduate who is also the CEO of a micro financial institution, PT Amartha actually blundered. He tries to take advantage of his position as a staff member for personal gain.

He wrote a letter with the Cabinet Secretariathead with the intention of asking the sub-district heads throughout the archipelago to support the epidemic management program carried out by his company PT Amartha.

The circular came out on the same day as the emergence of a polemic on social media about a letter bearing the Cabinet Secretariat logo with number 003 / S-SKP ATGP / IV / 2020. The letter signed by a member of the special staff of the President, Andi Taufan Garuda Putra became excited.

The letter dated April 1, 2020, is addressed to all sub-district heads in Indonesia. It contains asking the sub-district heads to support the program to deal with the corona virus outbreak carried out by PT Amartha Mikro Fintek-a company that was initiated by Taufan in 2010," said Raymundus Rikang and his friends in their report in Tempo magazine entitled Rontok After Katabelece (2020).

The issuance of the letter led to a polemic. Andi received criticism from many parties. He is considered to have used things that are not his right. In fact, the steps he took using the Palace letterhead were considered acts of corruption.

Andi defended himself. He said his startup company was indeed engaged in fighting the COVID-19 pandemic at the village level. His company also received support from the Ministry of Villages, Development of Disadvantaged Regions, and Transmigration.

Andi revealed that his company did not use APBD or APBN funds. Purely the company's funds. He also considers using the Palace letterhead to be considered so that steps to handle COVID-19 provide PPE so that the socialization of the outbreak can be accelerated and maximized.

The various reasons that Andi made did not stop the public from criticizing. They think Andi has made a severe blunder. He is considered not working for the people, but for personal interests. The urge to withdraw from there has sprung up.

The Palace itself has given a strong warning to Andi. The Palace handed over the option of resigning or not to Andi. This condition is because the dismissal of millennial staff by regulation is President Jokowi's prerogative.

Later Andi also announced his resignation from the millennial staff. The resignation is proof that the matter of using governmenthead for personal gain is prohibited.

Anyone who violates it will definitely get a strong reprimand. At least know yourself by resigning.

"Please allow me to convey information on my resignation as the Presidential Special Staff of the Republic of Indonesia which I submitted in a letter on April 17, 2020 and then approved by the President".

"During that period, I witnessed for myself how he was a role model leader who worked hard sincerely and full of dedication for the good of the entire community and the future of Indonesia," Andi said in his open letter quoted on the Kompas.com page, April 24, 2020.

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