JAKARTA Memories of today, 11 years ago, 17 October 2013, First Lady, Kristen Herawati (Ani Yudhoyono) went berserk on social media, Instagram. Mrs. Ani said that one of those who commented on her did not know 'adat' to the beach using batik stupid.

Previously, Mrs. Ani was known to be actively playing social media. Instagram was chosen as a channel to display her photography works. Many praised and many also criticized it. Ani doesn't mind if the criticism is directed at her photography, not personally.

Ani's mother never thought she would be active in social media. She understands her position as First Lady who accompanies her husband, Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY). She shouldn't just upload anything.

Ani also understands that as the leader of the Indonesian nation, her husband's leadership often gets pros and cons. Cacian and insults have become daily food. Everything may be sourced to government policies that are not pro-people.

This condition in a democratic system is considered reasonable. Alias, the leader of the country, cannot please all parties. This experience has become a scourge for Ani Yudhoyono. However, lately his activities in the world of photography have begun to increase.

Mrs. Ani was advised by her closest people to create an account on Instagram. They think that Mrs. Ani's works must be introduced, at least so that those closest to her can enjoy the beauty created from Mrs. Ani's camera shots.

Mrs. Ani created an Instagram account @Aniyudhoyono. The presence of the account was greeted with great fanfare. The photos she uploads to Instragram are often crowded. Those who comment are no less much. Some give praise. There are also those who contain criticism. Mrs. Ani didn't mind.

I didn't want to respond, but then I thought. Yes too. I like to take pictures. SBY's official trip never escapes my photography action. The scene, unique events, culinary, culinary events, society, became the object of my photography. Also various important events at the palace. Why don't I show it to the public so that they know what I'm doing through the picture. I'm moved.

Some of my staff, including my personal photocopy, Anung Anindito, promised to help upload the photos I wanted to show on Instagram. I just have to determine which photos I want to install and what the text is like," said Ani Yudhoyono as written by Alberthiene Endah in the book Ani Yudhoyono: 10 Years of Heart Journey (2018).

Ani's mother is indeed resistant to criticism of her work. However, Mrs. Ani would not stand to comment when there were cynical comments regarding her personal life. At that time, Ani uploaded a photo on the sidelines of SBY's visit to Pacitan.

They and their families posed in batik clothes on one of the beaches. As a result, Ibu Ani uploaded the photo to her Instagram on October 16, 2013. The photo received a lot of comments. Mother herself often reads the Instagram comment column.

Mrs. Ani met with comments from her @erie_ account. The account was considered by Mrs. Ani as if she thought her family did not know the custom of using batik to the beach. Mrs. Ani then went berserk and called her @erie_ account stupid on October 17, 2013.

Ibu Ani's reaction then became the target of netizens. The comments even shocked the whole of Indonesia. The mass media did not forget to fried the news with various narratives. Many also consider Mrs. Ani's way of responding to comments as excessive. Because, it is not appropriate for a First Lady to comment like that.

"@eerie_nya Subhanallah, your comments are very stupid. You don't think we're on a visit, and stop by for a while to the beach, that's all over? Come on, isn't there any other comment that anyone can accept? Batik clothes are already worn everywhere, not just for official events. However, it's also a half-official event, even relaxed," said Mrs. Ani in response to comments on her Instagram upload.

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