JAKARTA - Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono (SBY) has had a brilliant career in the military world. However, he actually swerved into politics. He learned quickly related to his duties as minister. His popularity skyrocketed when he was nominated as Vice President of Indonesia, even though he lost in 2001.

SBY also tried to seriously design a strategy to exist on the national political stage. He did not want to depend on the party held hostage by group interests. SBY chose to pioneer and build his own political vehicle to navigate Indonesia's democracy: the Democratic Party.

No one can guess where the direction of fate takes someone. SBY did the same. The man who was born in Pacitan, September 9, 1949, only understands his destiny as a soldier. His path in the military world is like open. He graduated from the best of Akabri 1973 and his career was increasing.

A miracle came. SBY was actually offered to enter a political arena. The President's government, Abdurrahman Wahid (Gus Dur) offered him the position of Minister of Mines and Energy in 1999. Gus Dur was attracted to make SBY part of his government because SBY was considered a genius figure.

SBY's presence is believed to be able to help the performance of other ministers, including the Minister of Defense for the era of 2000-2001, Mahfud MD. SBY's position was then adjusted back. Finally, SBY began serving as Coordinating Minister for Political, Social, and Security Affairs.

This position made SBY himself learn a lot about Indonesian politics. He is also considered a prominent figure in the government. The proof is that when Gus Dur stepped down, SBY was nominated by the Indonesian National Unity Faction at the MPR to become Vice President of Indonesia to accompany Megawati Soekarnoputri.

At that time, SBY had to compete with other national figures such as Hamzah Haz (the faction of the United Development Party: PPP), Agung Gumelar (People's Daulat Association Faction), and Siswono Yudhohusodo (Group Envoy Faction) on July 24-25, 2001. The results were less than pleasant. SBY lost votes.

There were five vice presidential candidates proposed by the factions in the MPR, namely Hamzah Haz, Akbar Tandjung, Siswono Yudo Husodo, Agum Gumelar, and Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono. In the first round election, Hamzah Haz won 238 votes from 613 MPR members who attended. However, this number is less than the 50 percent + 1 requirement for votes. Therefore, the three candidates with the most votes, namely Hamzah Haz, Akbar Tandjung, and SBY, were selected again in the second round.

In the second round of voting, Hamzah Haz received 254 votes, Akbar Tandjung 203 votes, and SBY 147 votes. Because no candidate has yet received at least 50 percent + 1 votes in support, the election is continued to the third round, namely between Hamzah Haz and Akbar Tandjung. In this third round, Hamzah Haz won 610 votes and Akbar Tandjung won 237 votes, "said Djarot Saiful Hidayat & Endi Haryono in the book Politics and PDI-P Ideology 2000-2009 (2024).

SBY is not a person who gives up easily. He began to reflect on his defeat. He realized that a political contestation was actually held hostage by various interests. SBY admitted that when he ran in the nomination of the Vice President, many interests were the determinants of voting. Not because of defending the people.

The face of democracy does not make SBY angry about politics. SBY tries to fight it. He does not want to be trapped in interests that are not about increasing people's lives. This condition made him reluctant to join the existing political parties.

SBY's only option that can be assembled is to build his own political vehicle. SBY wants the party that is built to be free from the interests of a group. He does not want to be held hostage by interests that harm the Indonesian people.

The goal is for Indonesia's democracy to continue to last. SBY's desire was strengthened by all elements of society. Support came from national figures, politicians, to all Indonesian people. SBY began to initiate the basic concept of the party. He also formulated the party's political manifesto.

SBY wants his party in the future to bring benefits to the Indonesian people. As a result, the Democratic Party officially established on September 9, 2001. The Democratic Party slowly began to win the hearts of the Indonesian people.

SBY is considered the next figure of Indonesia's leader. Sure enough, SBY won the sympathy of the Indonesian people and won the 2004 presidential election. The Democratic Party also proved its spur as a powerful political vehicle to fight for SBY's mission on the Indonesian political stage.

After thinking for a long time to form the basic concept of the party, that year also SBY officially founded the Democratic Party yespat on his birthday, September 9. I witnessed how my husband went directly to prepare everything. Making party emblem designs, party flag designs, party marches, as well as party political manifests.

"Everything he did himself at his desk at our house in Cikeas. I accompanied him during the preparations. I helped SBY find a blue color that approached his picture of the blue that symbolizes peace, the blue of the United Nations. With minimal capital we moved. Relatives and people who support SBY came to support the Democratic Party, "said SBY's wife, Kristiani Herrawati (Ani Yudhoyono) as written by Alberthiene Endah in the book Kep Sayap Sayang Pradri (2010).

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