JAKARTA - The proclamation of Indonesian Independence took place on August 17, 1945. This momentum became the most historic day for all Indonesian people. All because of the fight against two different to complete colonialists. The Indonesian people proudly demonstrated the words: independence, independence.

They are no longer afraid to fly the Red and White Flag to sing the anthem Indonesia Raya. Questions arise. Why was Friday, August 17, 1945, chosen as independence day, not another day?

The bumiputras' long journey to independence is full of struggle. They continued to struggle against the Dutch colonialists, then Japan. Whoever chooses to defend the nation and state, must be willing to sacrifice everything. They sacrifice their wealth, time, family, and lives.

He considered prison and exile a risk of struggle. The point of independence of Indonesia began to be seen when Japan repeatedly promised Indonesia independence. However, the promise of the invaders cannot be trusted.

Indonesia's independence opportunity can actually be seen when Japan starts to lose to allies. Japan also admitted that it gave up unconditionally to allies on August 14, 1945. This big event is considered an opportunity for the natives to be independent.

The narrative makes sense. Japan is no longer strong. His war fleet is already paralyzed. The vacancy of the government in the archipelago must be filled immediately before allied forces arrive. Independence fighters also tried to negotiate.

Those who are included in the old and young groups both want independence. The problem is that they have different reactions. The young group dominated by Wikana, Sayuti Melik, Sukarni wanted independence right away.

Old groups such as Soekarno and Hatta did not want to rush. A fierce debate occurred. The kidnapping of old Bung Karno and Hatta figures was also carried out in Rengasdengklok on August 16, 1945. After that, the formulation of the text of the Proclamation of Indonesian Independence was rolled out.

The phase solidified Indonesia's independence to fall on August 17, 1945. All national figures gathered in the courtyard of Pegangsaan Timur 56 at 10:00 a.m. They then witnessed Soekarno Hatta representing the entire Indonesian nation free from the shackles of colonialism. One nation is like a reborn.

The announcement was just a ceremony. They sacrificed, worked voluntarily. Because, the youths who love their homeland and nation, have been doing their job only as stonelifters to build a bridge, bridges for the people and the state to achieve prosperity and justice.

"On August 17, one of the many tasks of the youth at that time was already cashed, finished. Prayers to God Almighty when it brought the people and the country to their destination," said BM Diah in the book Catatan BM Diah (2018).

August 17, 1945, is like a sacred day in the history of the journey of the Indonesian nation. However, that date was chosen by the freedom fighters not only because of the hurry or tight independence of the Indonesian people. Indonesian proclaimer, Bung Karno has his own reasons.

Bung Karno had even thought about it long before Japan gave up. He emphasized that he had thought about the 17th since he was in Saigon. At that time Bung Karno, Hatta, Rajiman Wedyodiningrat represented members of the Indonesian Independence Preparation Committee (PPKI) meeting the Commander of the Supreme War of Japan in the Southern Region, General Terauchi Hisaichi in Vietnam's Prayer in early August.

The choice of date arose because Bung Karno believed mystically. He explained that under the 17th he was able to provide new hope for Indonesia. He also explained in detail. On August 17, 1945, he considered it special because he was in a blessed month, Ramadan.

This condition is the holiest time for independence. On August 17th, Friday's day too. This condition makes the purity double. Calculation of the number 17 is also matched with other calculations. For example, rakaat prays and the decline of the Quran.

This condition then made Bung Karno and other fighters agree that independence would fall on August 17, 1945. Not on August 15, 1945, as the wish of the young group. Nor was independence as a Japanese gift promised on August 24, 1945.

Jum'at Day is Jum'at Legi. Sweet Friday. Sacred Jum'at. And Friday's 17th. Al-Quran is lowered to 17th. Muslims pray 17 rakaat in a day. Why did the Prophet Muhammad order 17 rakaats, not 10 or 20.

"Becauseologies number 17 are not man-made. When I first heard the news of Japan's surrender, I THOUGHT we had to immediately proclaim independence. Then I realized, it was the year's destiny that this event would fall on His sacred day. The proclamation will take place on the 17th. The revolution will follow after that," said Bung Karno, written by Cindy Adams in the book Bung Karno: Connecting the Tongue of the Indonesian People (2014).

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