JAKARTA Memories of today, 11 years ago, July 6, 2013, the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) of Samarinda City appealed to Muslims not to sound firecrackers and fireworks in order to welcome the month of Ramadan. MUI said firecrackers are not a culture that develops with Islam.

Previously, efforts to sound firecrackers when welcoming the holy month of Ramadan had become a habit. The young ones merged into one. The celebration, which was originally excited that it had brought harm recently, rather than benefits.

The sound of firecrackers and fireworks is often a sign of the coming month full of blessings, Ramadan. The firecrackers traders are also piled up. The buyers can't wait. Those who set off firecrackers will certainly provoke happiness, even though some of them are shocked to make it.

Lately, playing with firecrackers has started to cause disaster. Many people carelessly play it. In fact, firecrackers and fireworks were lit in the middle of dense settlements. As a result everywhere.

A family can lose their homes. There are also parents who are sad to see their child injured because of the wrong way of playing. The picture of the harm from the presence of firecrackers and fireworks is considered to be starting to interfere.

Security forces began to intervene to prohibit the public from sounding and selling firecrackers in 2012. Anyone who violates will be prosecuted. Metro Jaya Regional Police Chief, Untung S. Rajab, for example.

He did not want many people to damage the atmosphere of the holy month of Ramadan with the sound of firecrackers / fireworks. Untung promised to take action against those who did not carry out the police appeal.

Untung menjelaskan akibat buruk firecracker tidak cuma satu dua, tapi bejibun. Maining firecrackers dari sisi ekonomi dianggap bagian dari pembrososan. Polda Metro Jaya pun terus melakukan razia-razia kepada penjual atau pun pembeli firecrackers-kembang api. Mereka ingin agar umat Muslim dapat berag worship dengan tenang.

"Closing firecrackers is prohibited and any gangs whose names must be removed. If something is proven, we will process it until a criminal act, so that it is safe," said Untung, quoted on the tempo.co page, July 19, 2012.

Next year's Ramadan is not just a security apparatus that prohibits lighting firecrackers and fireworks. The chairman of the MUI in Samarinda City, East Kalimantan, Zaini Naim also spoke up on July 6, 2013. He asked Muslims not to sound firecrackers in order to welcome the month of Ramadan.

He also revealed that fireworks are not Islamic teachings. It is also not a habit that develops with Islam, unlike firecrackers that have ties to Chinese New Year. Zaini also asked all elements of society to work hand in hand to explain and give an understanding that firecrackers have many disadvantages, rather than benefits.

"Hearing firecrackers and lighting fireworks is not in accordance with Islamic teachings, so we ask the public not to do too much in welcoming the holy month of Ramadan, let alone those that are not in accordance with Islamic teachings. Sounding firecrackers and fireworks has no benefits but in fact there are many disadvantages".

"Supposedly, such a thing should not be done because it is not in accordance with the purpose of fasting itself, namely as a place of self-introspection and increasing worship. Moreover, during the month of Ramadan, sound firecrackers and fireworks can disturb others in carrying out worship. In addition, this activity is also very dangerous because it can cause fires," said Zaini, quoted by the ANTARA page, July 6, 2013.

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