JAKARTA Memories of today, 10 years ago, 27 June 2014, Mahfud MD revealed that the use of Nazi clothing by musician Ahmad Dhani was a form of creativity. The head of the national winning team for presidential and vice presidential candidates number one Prabowo Subianto-Hatta Rajasa said Nazi clothing affairs do not have to be criticized.

Previously, Ahmad Dhani was known to be involved in the Prabowo-Hatta campaign advertisement. Ahmad Dhani looked proud of the Nazi clothes he was wearing. Criticism has emerged from everywhere.

The cruelty of Adolf Hitler and Nazi is not easily forgotten by history. Their efforts to commit genocide against millions of Jews during World War II were like difficult wounds. This condition prompted the whole world to condemn Nazi actions.

The Nazi uniforms or symbols are no longer used. This action was a form of respect for the victims and families who suffered from Nazi injustice. Indonesian musician Ahmad Dhani actually looked different. He again reminded the atrocities of the Nazis.

Dhani appeared in the campaign ads for Prabowo's presidential and vice presidential candidates, We Will Rock You, wearing a prohibited costume. He used costumes from Nazi high-ranking officials,men. Using Nazi uniforms became a polemic.

Criticism from within and outside the country arises. In fact, Ahmad Dhani's fellow public figures also spoke up like Gleen Fredly and Anggun C. Sasmi. They couldn't understand why Dhani wanted to use costumes that were clearly a black stain in world history.

Dhani's action is considered to reopen memory of Nazi atrocities. Dhani was considered not to understand history. Because, he dared to use Nazi attributes in the Pancasila country. Dhani also disagreed with the views of his colleagues in his profession.

He said the people who criticized him already knew him well. Dhani is always far from a fascism element. This criticism is considered as a form of musician wanting to bring down musicians.

"Artists are unemployed, people are just like that, they are commented on, people are just like that. How come fellow artists bring each other down? Already know me, this artist is not a fan of fascismism, it's a long time ago. "

"I regret the artists who take it too seriously. In their small hearts they also know, they know. I'm far from the elements of fascism. In my opinion, they take Ahmad Dhani too seriously. Why was Ahmad Dhani taken seriously, you know, right?" Ahmad Dhani said as quoted by the One News page, June 26, 2014.

Fellow Dhani fellow artists may criticize. However, not with the head of the national winning team for presidential and vice presidential candidates number one Prabowo-Hatta, Mahfud MD. The politician saw what Dhani did was a form of expression of art creativity on June 27, 2014.

Mahfud said it was permissible for Dhani to wear a Nazi uniform, but Dhani did not necessarily agree. Dhani did not wear the attribute in his daily capacity. Nazi uniforms are only part of the entertainment stage.

"Actually, if it's me, that's okay. That's artistic creativity. Because if for example you see people wearing mustaches, it's like Abu Jahal's clothes. But people are not like Abu Jahal. That's why there are people who like Abu Jahal's clothes, but not like Abu Jahal.. "

"Yes, let it be that someone criticizes, some praise. That's normal. Anyway, the creativity of art must be praised and criticized. That's normal," said Mahfud as quoted on the tempo.co page, June 27, 2014.

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