JAKARTA Memories of today, six years ago, May 30, 2018, cadres and sympathizers of the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDIP) raided the mass media office, Radar Bogor. They were angry and damaged the Bogor Radar office for insulting Megawati Soekarnoputri as Chair of BPIP.

The PDIP crowd was furious with the publication of the Bogor Tribune in the morning with the title: Feet Leaves Get Rp112 Million. Previously, Megawati's news received a salary of Rp112 million bringing a stir. The salary was considered too large.

The idea of the Joko Widodo (Jokowi) government to form the Pancasila Ideology Development Agency (BPIP) received a warm welcome. The institution is considered the spearhead of the policy direction of the Pancasila ideology.

BPIP will play a role in holding refreshments, training, and others. Megawati Soekarnoputri was also appointed as Chair of the BPIP Steering Committee. He and other members of the steering board, from Ma'ruf Amin to Mahfud MD, were sworn in at the State Palace by President Jokowi on March 22, 2018.

The inauguration went smoothly and without interruption. Presidential Regulation (Perpres) number 42 of 2018 concerning Financial Rights and Other Facilities for BPIP Leaders, Officials, and Employees emerged one day later, or on May 23, 2018.

The contents of the Presidential Decree reveal that Megawati as Chair of the BPIP Board of Trustees gets financial rights of RP112,548,000 per month. Problems arise. The financial rights are widely interpreted as basic salaries. Many of the mass media have continued to reveal that Megawati's basic salary is considered greater than that of the President of Indonesia himself.

The news then caused a stir. Megawati herself was shocked. He did not know for sure about the salary. He considered himself a former president to only carry out his duties as long as the state needed him. The Minister of Finance (Menkeu), Sri Mulyani also intervened.

Sri considers the public to have wrongly assessed. The main salary of the Chairman of the BPIP Steering Committee is only IDR 5 million. The rest is a visit. The amount is also considered within reasonable limits. It does not exceed the president's basic salary as reported by many parties.

"The salary is Rp. 5 million, the position allowance is Rp. 13 million. Health insurance, death insurance includes Rp. 4 million to Rp. 5 million, transportation and communication components".

The difference between state officials is that the basic salary is almost the same as Rp. 5 million. Allowances vary. Actually BPIP is at least Rp. 13 million because other institutions are executive, judicial, legislative, varied from Rp. 13 million to tens of millions," Sri Mulyani said as quoted by the ANTARA page, May 28, 2018.

Regarding the polemic of the salary of the BPIP Steering Committee, Megawati has not subsided, new problems have arisen. The Bogor Radar Media actually issued a morning report with the title: Leaves and Foots Gets IDR 112 million.

The contents of the news seemed that Megawati was just relaxed at BPIP and then got a big salary. PDIP masses and sympathizers were furious because their chairman was insulted. Those who numbered hundreds of people then came to the Bogor Radar office on Jalan KH. R Abdullah Bin Muhammad Nuh, Tanah Sareal, Bogor City on May 30, 2018.

PDIP masses did not accept that their chairman was underestimated. They then got angry and damaged property from the Bogor Radar. They also tried to be mediated by the Bogor Police. Peace was agreed. Even though the mediation went tough. The PDIP crowd then asked PDIP sympathizers to immediately protest to the Press Council if they objected.

"They came angry, shouted, chased our staff in front, and damaged our property on purpose. Physically, one of our staff was beaten but blocked. It happened behind the Bogor Radar Hall on the first floor. I was also pushed," said the Chief Editor of Radar Bogor, Tegar Bagja as quoted by CNN Indonesia, May 30, 2018.

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