JAKARTA Memories of today, four years ago, May 19, 2020, the statement by the President of the United States (US), Donald Trump, who called China a WHO doll related to the COVID-19 pandemic has drawn criticism. China considers Trump's statement tarnishing the good name of the Bamboo Curtain country.

This satire is a US strategy to relinquish responsibility for WHO. Previously, President Trump often underestimated the presence of the COVID-19 pandemic. The owner of the power considers COVID-19 to be a trick and China must be responsible.

The presence of the corona virus (COVID-19) shocked the whole world at the end of 2019. The virus from Wuhan has recently begun to spread and disrupt the whole world. The impact is everywhere. The economic sector of a country has been troubled.

This condition has made many countries blame China for not being able to cope with the corona virus. This neglect has made the whole world responsible. Donald Trump also agreed. The US president feels that the world does not need to be dizzy by COVID-19.

He said that if there is a country that must be held accountable, then China must be the most responsible. This condition made Trump often recover from COVID-19. However, Trump chose to call the coronavirus not COVID-19, but Chinese Flu (China Flu).

The statement was considered racist. Trump evaded. He called his statement not racist. All because of the fact that the virus originated in China. Trump's life has underestimated the coronavirus continues. Trump then revealed a controversial statement.

He called the United Nations World Health Organization, WHO as a Chinese doll on May 18, 2020. Trump revealed the statement because WHO actually worked and acted according to China's wishes. This condition is considered to hurt Trump and the US people.

Trump considers the US to be the contributor to the WHO's most funds compared to China. Trump wants WHO to see the pandemic not with China's glasses, but the truth.

I think they have done a very sad job in the final period. And again, the United States pays them 450 million US dollars per year, China pays them 38 million US dollars per year. and they are Chinese dolls. They are Chinese centris," Trump said as quoted by the detik,com page, May 19, 2020.

Trump didn't stop. He even threatened to stop US funding on WHO. The statement drew criticism. China itself feels Trump's view that China's doll WHO is considered to be misleading the world's people on May 19, 2020.

This statement is nothing more than a way for the US to ignore its responsibilities to WHO. Incidentally, the COVID-19 issue was used as an excuse for the US to relinquish its responsibility. China asked Trump to stop issuing controversial statements.

"The open letter of the US leader you mentioned is full of signs, possibilities, and tries to use various ways to mislead the public, and aims to destroy China's anti-virus efforts, and ignore its own insufficient US responsibilities."

"AS is trying to use China as a problem to evade its international responsibilities and obligations to WHO. This is a miscalculation and the US has chosen the wrong target," Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian said as quoted by the COMPASS.com page, May 19, 2020.

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