JAKARTA Memories of today, two years ago, April 3, 2022, the Taliban group banned all opium cultivation throughout Afghanistan. The ban was carried out because the Taliban felt opium cultivation had many disadvantages, rather than benefits.

Previously, the success of the Taliban in taking over Afghanistan from the United States (US) shocked many parties. Afghanistan has returned to upholding Islamic law. Values that are against Islam will soon be eradicated. Mainly, opium cultivation.

The Islamic fundamentalist group Taliban is not new to the history of the Afghan nation's journey. The Taliban was once considered a hope. They are considered Afghan saviors towards an update, compared to the Mujahideen group.

The Taliban's desire to restore security and peace is behind it. Civil war ensued. The new Taliban plenary control of the Afghan government in 1996. Problems arose. The Taliban are not much different from the leadership of the Mujahideen group.

Islamic law is fully enforced. Anyone who is against religion will be eradicated. They prohibit alcohol, music, internet, television and photography. Women are also most tortured. They are distinguished by their rights.

This condition was exacerbated by the reluctance of the Taliban to extradite the leader of Al-Qaeda, Osama bin Laden. The furious United States (US) began to invade and succeeded in taking power from the Taliban in 2001. The government under the shadow of the US was formed. The test lasted a long time. However, the US slowly began to lose control of Afghanistan.

The US suffered many losses including the business of funds. This vacancy made the Taliban regain control of Afghanistan in 2021. All kinds of remnants of the Afghan government were fought by the Taliban.

The new cabinet was formed. The Taliban began to apply the rules as before. The roar of protests also accompanied the leadership of the Taliban. The noise of protests is considered winded by the Taliban alone. The agenda upholds traditional Islamic values to be the main priority.

"Islamic emirates have appointed a temporary cabinet and are committed to controlling and advancing good governance affairs and will start working immediately. They will work to implement Islamic law and sharia in the country, secure the country's highest interests, secure Afghanistan's borders, and ensure lasting security, prosperity and progress".

"Our message to neighboring countries and the world is that Afghanistan will not be used against the security of any country. We guarantee all that there is no concern about Afghanistan," he said Amir al-Mukminin of the Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan, Mullah Hibatullah Akhundzada as quoted by Iwan Kurniawan in his article in Tempo Magazine entitled The Return of the Old Face of the Taliban (2021).

The return of the Taliban to the helm of Afghan rule shocked the world. They don't want the world to worry about Taliban politics. As a form of seriousness in building foreign politics, the Taliban has begun to open communication with Islamic and neighboring countries.

This seriousness can be seen from the Taliban's commitment to eliminating opium-type narcotics cultivation from their country. The Taliban also officially banned opium cultivation in Afghanistan on April 3, 2022. The Taliban wants to ensure that anyone who violates will be punished. The Taliban does not want the disadvantage of opium plants which are the raw material for heroin to damage the world.

All compatriots have been told since the date of the issuance of this decision, opium cultivation is strictly prohibited across the country and no one can try to cultivate the plant. If anyone violates it, then its cultivation will be culled and its offenders will be prosecuted according to Islamic law," said Taliban leader Haibatullah Akhundzada as quoted by Safiullah Padshah and Thomas Gibbons-Nuff in his article on The New York Times website entitled Taliban Outlaw Opium Poppy Cultural in Afghanistan (2022).

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