JAKARTA Memories of today, eight years ago, December 7, 2015, the candidate for Presidential Candidate (Capres) of the United States (US), Donald Trump revealed his most extreme promise. He promised when elected he would prohibit all Muslims from entering the US.

The ban was perpetuated because Muslims often consider Americans as enemies. Previously, Trump's presence in the American presidential election became a concern throughout the world. Trump, who is a famous businessman, often throws promises for a controversial campaign.

Trump's name in the world of classy business. His business creation makes Trump wealthy. Trump has also become a businessmaker to count in the US. His property is everywhere. Some of the most famous are Trump Towers as high as 68 floors on Fifth Avenue, Trump Place, Trump World Tower, and the Trump International Hotel.

Every day his business continues to grow. Likewise with his ambitions. Trump also added a new target: the world of politics. Moreover, in the 2010s. The dream of becoming a US President began to be realized. Trump moved all the power of effort.

Campaign money is not a big deal. He also tried to compete as a candidate for Presidential Candidate from the Republican Party. One by one the candidates began to be conquered. Trump also succeeded. He was able to lure Republicans to nominate him as a US Presidential Candidate.

The strategy was played. He and his team began to formulate promises and work programs as presidential candidates. Trump's issue boomed. Even though it was full of controversy. He began to raise the conservative value of Americans to the surface.

Racist sentiment was raised. Donald Trump began to make LGBT like an enemy of the US. He did not want LGBT to be rampant. In fact, the narrative was able to make Trump popular. Many people who initially didn't care about the 2016 presidential election, began to be represented by Trump's attitude.

But at the same time, the shadow of anger and hatred of the past reappeared. The old disease recurred looking for new antagonism. The white racism that denies and suspects the Black, Kuning, brown was born from the sedimentation of the ancient suspicion last century when the word Negro means insult.

The spirit of feminists which emphasizes the right of women to manage the maternal function of women, including choosing not to give birth, is suspected to be the cause of the susceptibility of the white population and the shaking of the values of families that are considered to be the bastion of the majority. Likewise, homosexuality is hostile to anxious religious doctrines from century to century," explained writer Goenawan Mohamad in his writing in Tempo Magazine entitled Trump (2016).

The image of hatred that Trump planted in the campaign was not small. His most extreme campaign promise came out. Trump wants to ban all Muslims from entering the US. Trump made the statement in a release shared by his team on December 7, 2015.

Trump reasoned that Muslims are considered disrespectful to the US. Islam is considered Trump to allow atrocities to those who are not religious. Moreover, Muslims are considered to be able to easily perpetuate jihad.

This condition is considered to be detrimental to the US. Mainly, women. Donald Trump's view was also criticized throughout the world. Trump didn't care. He was then able to be elected as the new US President.

Donald Trump, the main candidate for US Presidential candidate from the Republican Party, called for a complete and thorough closure of the country's borders for Muslims after the terrorist attack on San Bernardino. Trump made his most extreme promise.

He is in a campaign where he has consistently ruled out racial and immigration issues in a statement released to the media through his presidential campaign team. He said there is such great hatred among Muslims around the world towards Americans that they need to reject him en masse, until the problem can be better understood, "explained Ed Pilkington in his writing on The Guardian page entitled Donald Trump: Ban All Muslim Entering US(2015).

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