JAKARTA - Today's Memori, seven years ago, September 9, 2016, General Budi Gunawan was appointed as the Head of the State Intelligence Agency (BIN) by President Joko Widodo (Jokowi). The appointment was carried out after the owner of the power to remove the Head of BIN, Sutiyoso (Bang Yos).

Previously, the leadership of Bang Yos in BIN was full of dynamics. He has a variety of achievements and failures which are also not small. Sutiyoso is considered to have failed to prevent various acts of terrorism in Indonesia. A blunder that is BIN's ulcer.

The appointment of Bang Yos as the head of BIN had created a polemic in 2015. Many doubt that the ability of the three-star TNI AD retired has led BIN which has far developed. Moreover, the appointment of Bang Yos is often associated as reciprocal politics.

Bang Yos also considers the wind to be every oblique comment. He continues to work hard to become the captain of BIN. He has made a series of achievements. His most flashy achievement was his success in persuading Nurdin Ismail alias Din Minimi to go down the mountain.

The leader of the most wanted armed group in Aceh believed in Sutiyoso after two months of persuasion. Din Minimi even thought Sutiyoso was able to bridge the wishes of his group which was disappointed with the Aceh government.

Inauguration of Budi Gunawan as Head of BIN. (Wikimedia Commons)

The power of Bang Yos also made BIN able to track and arrest fugitives corruptors such as Samadikun Hartono and Totok who have been fugitives abroad for a long time. However, Bang Yos' power is not entirely perfect.

There were also a series of BIN failures in the Bang Yos era. BIN has been missed several times regarding terrorism cases. Mainly, the suicide bombing that took place at the police post on Jalan MH Thamrin, Central Jakarta. A series of problems made the leadership of Bang Yos questionable.

The discourse of his removal has spread everywhere. In the end, the leadership of Bang Yos had to end. No one knows for sure the reason for his removal, apart from President Jokowi.

"When it comes to BIN officials, it doesn't have a time limit, there are long and short ones, there are no rules, according to the President's consideration that this needs to be replaced and does not need to be replaced."

"This includes the prerogative of the President, if the President already sees the need for a replacement, it will be replaced. So there is no reason to put it forward, this is the decision of the President," said Indonesian Vice President Jusuf Kalla at the Vice President's office as quoted on the Republika website, September 2, 2016.

Sutiyoso's removal has made President Jokowi busy looking for a new BIN candidate. The choice also led to the Deputy Chief of Police, Budi Gunawan. The appointment was later approved by Commission I of the Indonesian House of Representatives. They said Budi Gunawan was worthy and worthy of the new BIN Head fit and proper test.

Soekarno-Hatta statue in the BIN office yard in the Pasar Minggu area, South Jakarta

The long-awaited day also arrived. Budi Gunawan was finally inaugurated by President Jokowi as the new Head of BIN at the State Palace on September 9, 2016. After that, Budi Gunawan will be given financial rights, administration, facilities at the same level as the minister.

"That I will uphold human rights, democracy, and the rule of law. That I will carry out my duties and authorities in my position seriously, carefully, objectively,purly, and professionally".

"That I will uphold the state intelligence code in every place, time, and under any circumstances. That I, do not give up in carrying out all duties and obligations of my position. That I will uphold all state intelligence secrets under any circumstances," said Budi Gunawan's oath at his inauguration as quoted on the Cabinet Secretariat website, September 9, 2016.

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