JAKARTA – Today's memory, 22 years ago, on February 2, 2001, Ryaas Rasyid resigned from the post of State Minister for State Apparatus Empowerment (Menpan) RI. The resignation was made because Ryaas and President Abdurrahman Wahid (Gus Dur) could not find a common vision.
Previously, Gus Dur's government was familiar with a series of controversies. Gus Dur's move made many politicians uncomfortable. As a result, Gus Dur's position as Indonesia's number one person was threatened.
Gus Dur's leadership was full of dynamics. His policies are often considered capable of going beyond the times. However, not all people think so. Politicians, moreover. Gus Dur's policies are considered to be full of controversy, rather than benefits.
Everything that was on his mind was immediately expressed. Gus Dur was not afraid. To members of the DPR, for example. Gus Dur openly expressed his concern for a number of DPR members who, according to him, were never orderly.
Because of this, Gus Dur joked that members of the People's Representative Council (DPR) were like kindergarten children who were difficult to control. Gus Dur also continued to carry out the controversy even though the problem with the DPR was not over. Gus Dur again issued a controversial breakthrough.

He appeared to apologize for the massacre of PKI sympathizers in 1965-1966 in March 2000. The apology was expressed directly to all the families of the victims who were considered part of the Communists.
As a form of his seriousness, Gus Dur also suggested that MPRS Decree No. XXV/1966 concerning the dissolution of the PKI and the prohibition on the spread of the teachings of Marxism, Communism, and Leninism be immediately revoked. This political step adds to the list of controversies carried out by Gus Dur.
"Nine months into the government, President Gus Dur actually appears as a figure full of controversy, both in terms of speech and in terms of actions that are felt to have caused more confusion in society."
"From the various statements made, for example, on one occasion the president reactively accused three of his ministers of being involved in corruption, collusion, and nepotism (KKN). On another occasion, he wanted to pardon former President Suharto, opened trade relations with Israel, removed five members of his cabinet, wanted to remove MPRS decisions regarding violations of the teachings of Marxism, Leninism, and Communism, and several other controversial remarks," wrote in the book Perjalanan Politik Gus Dur (2010).
This series of controversies made a number of politicians feel that they did not fit in with Gus Dur's leadership. The minister himself, for example. Ryaas Rasyid instead chose to resign from his position as State Minister for Empowerment of State Apparatuses on 2 February 2001.

The resignation had been planned from January. However, there was no response and it was only completed in February. Ryaas Rasyid chose to resign like other politicians because he saw that there was no common vision between him and Gus Dur. Moreover, Gus Dur often ignored his proposals and appointed ministers from close people.
"The atmosphere in the cabinet is increasingly unfavorable. Yusril Ihza Mahendra from the Crescent Star Party resigned in March 2001 and was replaced by Baharuddin Lopa as Minister of Justice and Human Rights.”
“Nurmahmudi Ismail, former president of the Prosperous Justice Party, was also dismissed in March 2001. Previously, Ryaas Rasyid resigned from the position of State Minister for State Apparatus Empowerment on February 2, 2001. Apart from other parties, Gus Dur also replaced a number of ministers from the National Awakening Party. (PKB) or Nahdlatul Ulama (NU), such as Rozy Munir and Jailani Hidayat," said Lalu Misbah Hidayat in the book Reformasi Administrasi (2007).
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