JAKARTA History today, 66 years ago, January 9, 1957, Semarang University (now: Univeristas Diponegero) officially established. The private university was initiated by legal figures in Semarang. Among others, Imam Bardjo, Soedarto, Dan Sulaiman, and Soesanto Kartoatmojo.

Previously, Central Java and Yogyakarta had a proud university. Gadjah Mada University (UGM), the name. Recently, UGM's capacity was in question. The Blue Campus is considered unable to accommodate all prospective students from Central Java and Yogyakarta.

Education is a powerful weapon to escape the shackles of colonialism and ignorance. That is the spirit that is shared by all national figures. They believe that education is a tool for fighting. The initial phase of the national movement was rolled out by a series of educated bumiputras.

The Bumiputras acknowledged that limited access to education was a major problem in releasing the shackles of colonialism to stagnate. However, when Indonesia succeeded in independence, the owner of power began to promote the field of education.

Access to education for the bumiputras is open as wide as possible. The establishment of Gadjah Mada University (UGM) is an example. The university was built to be able to accommodate the natives who are in Yogyakarta and Central Java.

The development funds were also generated from a joint venture of all Indonesian people who contributed through the Indonesian Independence Finds (FKI). Therefore, the presence of UGM is considered by the Deputy Chair of FKI who is also Bung Karno's personal doctor, R. Soekarno as a collective effort of the Indonesian nation to educate the nation's children.

"As Deputy Chair of the Indonesian Independence Finds (FKI) I am also involved in the effort to create the first RI-owned university, namely Gadjah Mada University. That said, we are good at education and smart at arguing that the establishment of a university or college is very necessary to educate prospective scholars who will become the backbone of development. "

So on January 24, 1946 at the SMT Kotabaru Yogyakarta building, a meeting was held to establish a private university hall. The promoters are Budiarto, Marsito, Priyana, and Sunario. Sunario explained that in Jakarta at that time NICA had founded Universiteit van Indonesia (now: University of Indonesia), therefore RI should not be left behind. The meeting then formed a committee consisting of 32 people, chaired by Ki Hajar Dewantara, and Sunario as a writer, "said R. Suharto in the book Action History (1984).

The presence of UGM was able to provide color to the world of Indonesian education. However, the capacity of UGM at that time was not so large, aka limited. Many Central Javanese, especially Semarang, cannot access UGM.

This condition moved all legal figures in Semarang. Among others, Imam Bardjo, Soedarto, Dan Sulaiman, and Soesanto Kartoatmojo. They tried to trace history by establishing Semarang University on January 9, 1957. The first Faculty to open was the Faculty of Law.

The University of Diponegoro (who was still named Semarang University) officially opened on January 9, 1957, as President of the University was appointed by Imam Bardjo. At that time he also gave a public lecture on Human Rights.

Considering that he is still very young with very limited educational facilities and infrastructure, at that time it can only be opened by the Faculty of Law and Public Knowledge and as the first dean, Mr. R Soebijono Tjitrowinoto, written on the tahrop.ac.id page.

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