When Mike Tyson Became The Youngest Heavyweight Champion In History
Mike Tyson (Instagram/miketyson)

JAKARTA - Boxer Mike Tyson's victory over Trevor Berbick today, November 22, 34 years ago, became a historic moment. How could I not, Tyson, who was still 20 years old, managed to catch 33-year-old Berbick in just five minutes 35 seconds. At that time, Tyson's name was recorded as the youngest heavyweight boxer ever.

"I am the youngest heavyweight boxing champion in history," said Tyson as quoted by History. "And I will be the longest [champion]."

Tyson's courage to challenge Berbick is not out of place. He already equipped himself with 26 wins from 27 matches before heading to the ring to challenge Berbick.

Tyson is famous for his heavy "pineapple" punch. A match referee, Ref Mills Lane agrees with the title. "All the punches he's got have 'goodnight' written on it," Lane said.

But Berbick refused to be intimidated by Tyson and took a decision many called "unwise". Instead of fighting Tyson in earnest, he opened a gap and deliberately received the blows that flew from Tyson's fist. He tried to show the audience that he was no match for Tyson.

"I tried to prove to myself that I could handle his best shot," said Berbick. "But he punched pretty hard."

"Hydrogen bomb"

Meanwhile, Tyson is also not a challenger to get into the ring without a strategy. In contrast to Berbick who was "relaxed" Tyson had already prepared his best shot.

"I want to take every shot with the worst intention," said Tyson after the fight. "I fired a 'hydrogen bomb' on him."

In the first round, Berbick is seen fighting in slow motion so that he looks like he is underwater. While Tyson was seen several times successfully landing his hard punches.

Then in the second round, Tyson delivered a very strong left hook and knocked Berbick down. After standing up again, Berbick then staggered to the edge of the ring and collapsed again.

Lane then counted Berbick, but he got back up again, but unfortunately fell again. Lane's last resurrection was then stopped, and the match was finally won by Tyson.

Tyson defended his title for nine games until Buster Dougles beat him in 1990. After that, his life began to go gray.

Tyson was sentenced to three years in prison for rape. He also bit Evander Holyfield's ear during his comeback match. And finally decided to retire in 2005.

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