JAKARTA – History today, 62 years ago, April 17, 1960, President Soekarno received an honorary degree (Honoris Causa) Doctor of Engineering from the University of Budapest, Hungary. The honorary degree is proof that learning does not have to know age. Bung Karno has proven it.

His hobby of reading Bung Karno's books is behind it. The activity of reading a book makes the engineering engineer's mind open. Even from reading books, he was able to become one of the figures who were able to bring Indonesia free from the shackles of colonialism.

Soekarno's introduction to HOS Tjokroaminoto greatly shaped his character. The figure of Bung Karno's boarding house father was not only a mentor in introducing Islam, but also introduced him to books. All kinds of reading materials in his boarding house were free to read by Soekarno.

From then on Tjokroaminoto's books began to poison Bung Karno's mind. From the ideas of liberation to the spirit to liberate the nation. Every day Soekarno spent his time reading books. Even if Tjokroaminoto's books no longer satisfy his curiosity, Soekarno will visit the Theosophy group's library in Surabaya.

President Soekarno while reviewing a book exhibition in Jakarta. (WIKIMEDIA COMMONS)

Bung Karno could freely read all kinds of books from the library collection. Because Bung Karno had special rights because his father, Raden Soekemi, was a member of Theosophy. Day by day, Bung Karno's fondness for reading books increased. When I was a student in Bandung, especially.

Reading books is something that can't be missed. His love of books led Bung Karno to graduate from college at the time. The engineering engineer lives on by books. Even when he went to Banceuy prison, then Sukamiskin. He admits that the only wealth he has is books. That was the capital Bung Karno brought when he was exiled to Ende, Flores with his wife, Inggit Garnasih in 1934.

"Why was Flores chosen? Inggit repeated as she opened the book basket, the only personal wealth we brought with us. Most of the leaders were exiled to Digul. That's why, I explained while taking out my school books, so that every morning and night I could teach Ratna Djuami (his adopted son) at home."

“In Digul there are 2,600 people who were exiled. Of course I will have a good life there. Can you imagine what Sukarno would do with the 2,600 soldiers who had already been prepared? I will change the face of the Netherlands from that remote New Guinea,” said Bung Karno as written by Cindy Adams in Bung Karno's book: Connecting the Tongue of the Indonesian People (1965).

His love of books continued until he took office as president. Indonesia's number one person is not ashamed to classify himself as a bookworm. He did not hesitate to invite other Indonesian children to read books. because Soekarno himself has felt the benefits.

The most obvious benefit is that Soekarno managed to get 27 honorary degrees from within the country or abroad. Including when Bung Karno visited Hungary on April 14, 1960. One of the agendas of the visit was that Soekarno would be given an honorary degree of Doctor of Engineering from the University of Budapest, Hungary on April 17, 1960. The University of Budapest felt that Bung Karno was one of the most influential figures in the world. at that time.

President Soekarno was known to like to read and write. (Instagram@presidentsukarno)

"But try asking them (ministers) what the presidential room looks like. Full of books and magazines. Until sometimes, how I curl up inside! Not those books and magazines in the closet, brethren, on my bed. I sleep between books and between magazines.”

“Because I think it's important to always read, always read, always read, even though I have said I have, to know a little science, even though I have been given the title of Doctor Honoris Causa 27 times by universities. Reading, learning has no age limit. Even though we have become wanen, we are old, learning and reading are always useful," explained Bung Karno, "said Bung Karno at a gathering at the Bogor Palace, November 20, 1965, as edited by Budi Setiono and Bonnie Triyana in the book Revolution Unfinished (Revolution Unfinished). 2014).

The awarding of an Honoris Causa Doctorate to President Soekarno from the University of Budapest, Hungary on April 17, 1960 is a historical record today.

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