JAKARTA – Various types of flower plants, need to be cared for properly. Even need to be selected according to the weather in the area of residence. In tropical Indonesia, of course, it becomes more difficult to choose plants because almost all ornamental plants can thrive in two seasons.

Are you interested in caring for flower plants that are heat and rain resistant? Here are recommendations for colorful flowering plants that can decorate your outdoor home.

1. Passiflora

Reported by Gardening Chores, passiflora is a hardy plant that can grow in all seasons. Most species of passiflora are native to South America and Mexico. The most famous species is Passiflora caerulea in blue.

Passiflora also includes outdoor ornamental plants that are easy to care for, such as planted in gazebos, hedge plants, and most importantly, the fruit is delicious to eat. What needs to be considered when caring for it at home, keep it from strong winds and keep the soil moist so that it blooms quickly.

2. Lotus

Making the lotus flower diligently blooms does require patience in caring for it. Her beauty is not only in flowers, the lotus remains in the heart because it has waxy leaves in the shape of the moon which are also beautiful. It grows in water so it can decorate the pool in front of the house. This also makes this flower plant resistant to the sun's heat.

3. Jasmine
tanaman bunga yang tahan panas dan hujan
Illustration of a jasmine flower plant (Unsplash/Avin CP)

The next heat and rain resistant flower plant is jasmine. This plant has the scientific name Jasminium Ssp. which are often planted as regional fences, city parks, or hanging plants.

It is most recommended to plant jasmine with porous soil and a pH between 6.1 to 7.5. In addition to white, there are also pink jasmine flowers. What color are you interested in caring for?

4. Magnolia

Magnolia flowers or also known as cempaka flowers emit a fragrant aroma. This plant is considered exotic, because the color looks elegant. Magnolia flower plants are not only white, some are pink and purplish. Not to mention the shiny leaves when bathed in the rain.

Don't worry about the changing seasons from dry to rainy season. Magnolia plants can withstand heat and cold, even magnolia plants can grow wild. Or without any special care, it can bloom just in time.

5. Hibiscus or hibiscus

This tropical plant symbolizes Hawaiian hospitality. Hibiscus can grow and flower easily. That is, you don't need to be complicated in caring for it but still do periodic maintenance such as regular watering, fertilizing, pruning, and repotting when it has grown thick.

6. Bird of Paradise

The leaves of the bird of paradise flower plant or known as the bird of paradise are light green. The flowers are shaped like a bird's head, the leaves are long, and build architectural dimensions when planted in front of your house.

There are 5 species that are often cared for at home, including Strelitzia reginae, Strelitzia caudata, Strelitzia alba, Strelitzia nicolai, and Strelitzia juncea. The colors are bluish-white, white, blue and white, and orange.

7. Bougainville

Bougainville is no stranger to flowering plants. Many houses use it as a pergola. Including as a vine like a vine. Bougainvillea flower plants are also heat and rain resistant. If you are not diligent in pruning it, bougainvillea can grow up to 12 meters high.

Bouganville is very hardy, even without special care. For those of you who live in urban areas, you can choose this flower plant to decorate the front of the house.

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