JAKARTA - The appearance of stretch marks on the body is normal. Especially if the owner has experienced rapid changes in body shape due to growth or weight gain.

Stretch marks occur because the dermis layer thins when the skin is stretched, so the layers of skin underneath come to the surface. At first stretch marks are a light purple or red color, but slowly they will turn to a lighter or almost transparent color.

According to dermatologist Arash Akhavan, MD, launching Cosmopolitan, Thursday, October 21, there are at least 4 ways to get rid of stretch marks if you find it annoying to look noble. Curious? Here are the tips.

Applying retinoid cream

Retinoids are chemical compounds derived from vitamin A. Not only maintaining eye health, but vitamin A can also improve skin texture by reshaping skin collagen fibers. In a study in the Jama Dermatology Journal, retinoids were able to fade the appearance of stretch marks.

Simply apply a retinoid cream to the area where stretch marks appear. In addition, try also consuming vegetables with vitamin A content such as carrots, boiled eggs, and chicken liver to increase vitamin A levels in your body.

Applying tretinoin cream

Not only retinoids, creams containing tretinoin can also be used to remove stretch marks. Tretinoin is a synthetic vitamin A derivative that is more powerful for rejuvenating the skin, increasing cell turnover, and inducing collagen production. However, retinoid creams are not recommended for sensitive skin.

Microneedling technique

Dermatologist, Shari Sperling, micro needling technique can remove stretch marks quickly because it uses a special tool with small needles to be inserted into the skin. That way, the production of collagen increases so that stretch marks are easily lost.


Microdermabrasion utilizes tiny exfoliating crystals that are sprayed onto areas of skin with stretch marks. Then, a special tool is rubbed on the area so that dead skin cells on the surface of the skin are removed. The growth of new skin cells makes the skin look back to normal.

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