JAKARTA – It's almost the weekend, but the tasks are still piling up unresolved. When the energy starts to run out, you certainly can't fully focus on getting the job done. Relax, there are a number of 'resting' activities that can help you feel more refreshed.

According to therapist and author Barton Goldsmith, Ph.D., everyone experiences this problem. The body is not as energetic as usual so it just wants to lie down and be lazy. Goldsmith's advice was reported by Psychology Today, Friday, October 8, move even if little by little.

Moving slowly, added Goldsmith, is better than standing still and unfinished tasks will only weigh on the mind. This licensed psychotherapist recommends doing the following 10 activities to stay 'moved' to complete tasks.

1. Find something that makes you smile

Smiling makes your day look brighter. When you share a smile, others will not know that energy is being overshadowed by a cloud. That is, a smile not only brightens the mood but also has a big effect on those around you.

2. Take a quick shower

Flushing the body with a comfortable temperature of water can slightly increase energy, writes Goldsmith. So take a shower for a while and then get the work that needs to be done.

3. Wear comfortable clothes

Sometimes, wearing casual clothes makes a person lose the motivation to work professionally. Goldsmith's advice, wear the most comfortable clothes that can enhance professional fashion and help keep the mind working sharper.

cara refresh diri sendiri
Illustration of how to refresh yourself (Unsplash/Sixteen Miles Out)
4. Take a break and breathe in the refreshing aroma

Certain scents trigger the birth of inspiration. So when the mind is stuck and the body is tired, try to rest for a while and live a refreshing aroma. You can walk for a while into the courtyard to inhale the aroma of freshness. You can also brew coffee, green tea, or peel oranges for a refreshing effect.

5. Set pause

If you need a break every session, then set the time. For example, pause every 30 minutes or if this method is more tiring, use the opposite method. Every 30-minute break, do one task at a time.

6. Delay as long as it's not urgent

Postponing work or completing tasks is sometimes necessary, says Goldsmith. As long as it's not urgent of course. Make sure that procrastinating isn't a bad idea unless the job is intersecting with other people.

7. Find a comfortable room

Good luck if you work from home. You can choose the most comfortable space to work in. For example, by using a family room or a room that is not too bright. Can also work in the backyard.

8. Ask friends for help

If the task is too big to complete on your own, especially when you are not full of energy, you can ask a friend for help. The person you turn to for help will appreciate your honesty more.

9. Regulate the body more active

Goldsmith says, sometimes one needs to put on a serious face until the work day is over. Sometimes, acting like this can drive away negative energy.

10. Sure tomorrow will feel better

The changing times and the movement of the sun have a big impact on your spirits. Goldsmith believes this even though it sounds cliché. This means that you can rest assured that after spending the rest of the night and at sunrise you will be more energized.

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