JAKARTA - The reported case of alleged fraud with the mode of recruiting Civil Servants (PNS), Olivia Nathania, did not fulfill the summons for an examination. The reason given is quite eccentric, namely, because they are not mentally ready.

"Olivia is not present because one is not mentally ready," said Olivia's attorney, Susanti, to reporters, Tuesday, October 5.

Not only that, the son of the old singer Nia Daniaty also has other reasons for not being present at the examination. For example, still preparing evidence that can refute the allegations made by the complainants.

"The two existing documents are also not neat, there are still missing," he said.

Not only Olivia, said Susanti, her client's husband, Rafli, was not present at the summons. For the reason being sick.

"Mas Rafli is not well than 5 days ago, he has typhoid. So he couldn't attend," said Susanti.

In their absence, investigators rescheduled the examination of the husband and wife. It is planned that the inspection will be carried out next week.

"On October 11 (schedule of inspection)," he said.

Deny Near Official

On the other hand, Susanti also denied the growing issue about her client having a close relationship with officials. According to him, so far Olivia has no special affinity with certain officials.

In fact, he also denied that in the series of fraud cases his client was said to have used the names of officials to deceive victims in cases of alleged fraud.

"As far as I know, there is none. I don't know about officials," said Susanti

In addition, Susanti said that the only possibility that happened was Olivia taking pictures with several officials. So it seems to have closeness.

However, to be sure, Olivia has not been able to convey it with the reason that so far it has never been discussed. "Maybe just take a picture," Susanti said.'

However, on a different occasion, the Head of Public Relations of the Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Yusri Yunus stated that from the results of the clarification to the victim, it was known that Olivia and her husband, Refli, had used the names of figures.

The two reported persons are said to have known a figurehead to help the victim become a civil servant (PNS).

"This is a report from the victim's lawyer that these two people were able to make them all civil servants, then members of the TNI and Polri by conveying the names of several figures who could help to get them all passed," said Yusri.

Therefore, Yusri continued, the examination of the two reported parties is important to prove the truth of what happened. It is hoped that Olivia and her husband will fulfill the summons next week.

"Even though the reported party has said a little that it is only opening a course, he said. That's why we need information from the reported party to be able to explain," said Yusri.

Have Strong Evidence

Apart from the issue of proximity to officials, Susanti stated that her client has strong evidence to refute the accusation of committing fraud with the mode of recruiting civil servants. One of them, proof of the transfer of a sum of money to Agustin.

Agustin is Olivia's former teacher. He was once asked by Olivia to find someone else who wanted to become a civil servant.

"What is clear is that the evidence we have obtained is proof of the transfer to Agustin's mother," said Susanti.

Then, other evidence about the order from Agustin to Olivia. The order was related to transferring money to a number of accounts with a nominal value of Rp. 1 billion.

"Then there are several more, Agustin's mother ordered the transfer to a, b, c, d, that's a lot, it's almost 1 billion," he said.

The existence of the order, continued Susanti, means that there will be refunds to parties who feel aggrieved. So, there is evidence of accountability.

"It means that the money has been returned or how I don't know later in the investigation, I will know," said Susanti.

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