4 Portraits Of Amanda Manopo's Distended Stomach In Soap Opera Ikatan Cinta, Makes Anxious
The soap opera Ikatan Cinta (Photo: IG @ikatancinta.mncp)

JAKARTA - The story of the soap opera Ikatan Cinta always makes fans curious. Not infrequently citizens are also excited by the actors in this soap opera. Like when Amanda Manopo was 'pregnant' and showed off her big belly.

This Andin actress uploaded a photo of herself with a pregnant appearance. "Fat from top to bottom," Amanda wrote on Instagram @amandamanopo quoted by Tuesday, October 5.

In addition to the photo, Amanda is also seen to have a baby bump in the @ikatancinta.mncp upload. Andin's meeting with Uncle Tama accompanied by Papa Surya showed Andin from the side so that her distended stomach was clearly visible.

Moreover, Andin is seen holding her stomach with her left hand. "The photo just got hit with onions, how about later," wrote the netizen in the comment column.

Another photo shows Aldebaran giving Andin a surprise 29th birthday party. They dance happily. When Aldebaran gave the ring, Andin's distended stomach was also clearly visible.

Aldebaran and Andin's happiness is certainly happiness for their fans. Couples who have often been tested for love are often in trouble. When happiness come in the soap opera Ikatan Cinta, Netizen was moved.

"Aaaa so cute, this is the photo we've been waiting for," wrote the netizen in the comment column.

"Easy, after the birthday, there is no riot," another netizen hoped.

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