It Doesn't Take Long, Here's How To Quickly Dry Nail Polish In 5 Minutes
Illustration (Cottonbro/Pexels)

JAKARTA - The only problem when using your own nail polish is that it takes a long time to dry. While there's a lot of work to be done afterwards, and you certainly don't want the polish to get messy because it's still wet. Waiting for nail polish to dry is annoying, unless you have a nail dryer or do it at a nail salon. But now you don't have to worry anymore. There are tips so that the nail polish dries quickly in just 5 minutes. So, no need to wait 20 minutes for the nail polish to dry completely. You must see!

With just one cup of cold water, you can speed up the drying process of nail polish. Basically, these are classic tips that have been around for a long time. For those of you who have never tried it, get ready to be amazed by the results. It will definitely help the nail polish dry in an instant.

nail polish drying quick trick (Mathilda Langevine/Pexels)

Used cold water does not have to be really cold. But you can add some ice cubes, just adjust it to the ability of your hands to withstand cold. To apply these tips, the first thing to pay attention to is the application of the nail polish itself. Make sure to use only light nail polish, at least two coats. If it's too thick, these tips won't work.

After that, put the newly painted nails in cold water. Insert one hand with a time of 5 minutes. Lightly touch the tip of the nail to make sure that the nail polish is completely dry. Super simple isn't it? It only takes 10 minutes to dry the nail polish without the help of a nail dryer. Hopefully, these quick-drying nail polish tips help.

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