JAKARTA - Currently, Work From Home is the preferred method of working during this pandemic. With WFH, the government hopes that the number of the spread of the Covid-19 virus can decrease.

However, it is not uncommon for people who are used to high mobility to feel stressed during WFH. Some of them even decide to contact a psychologist to combat the excessive stress they feel.

If you're feeling stressed right now, it's still normal. There is even a study that says under normal circumstances, stress can have a positive impact, for example it can help you work faster than usual and come up with creative ideas.

However, prolonged excessive stress can also have a negative impact on the body. For example, bring up psychomatic symptoms such as headaches, insomnia and many more. Well, so that stress can be managed properly you can do these 5 easy ways to deal with excess stress during WFH.

Start with meditation practice

Meditation is one of the breathing exercises that can make the mind clearer so that it avoids stress. You can try to do meditation with the help of meditation tutorial videos on the internet every day for 10-15 minutes to make your mind calmer so you don't get too stressed.

Exercise regularly

One way to manage stress is to exercise regularly. In addition to making the body healthier, exercise is proven to relieve stress.

This is because exercise can make the muscles in the body more relaxed and also divert your mind to be calmer. For those of you who rarely exercise, you can do simple exercise movements for 10-15 minutes a day to reduce excess stress.

Talking with friends

Do not rule out the source of stress that you experience because you harbor problems too often. Therefore, the best thing to do to avoid yourself from excessive stress is to tell your friends the problems you are experiencing.

For example, if you feel stressed due to a work that is too busy, it's a good idea to talk to your closest co-workers or boss to find a solution together. Of course, apart from getting a solution, you won't feel too stressed either, right?

Relax and do self-care

Taking care of yourself can actually prevent you from feeling stressed! Do self-care such as using skincare, scrubs or creambaths at home to give a sense of relaxation when feeling stressed.

You can do these activities using DIY materials that you make yourself, such as masks from bengkoang, cream baths with aloe vera plants and many more.

Storytelling in the Journal

Journaling is one method of dealing with stress that is recommended by many psychologists today. Journaling itself is the activity of writing down our activities or feelings for one day of activity.

This activity is said to be one way to prevent excessive stress. Journaling is an activity to express oneself without fear of being judged by others so that it can improve mental health and avoid stress.

If you want to start journaling to avoid stress, start by describing the feelings you feel, then the main triggers you feel and how to deal with those uncomfortable feelings.

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