JAKARTA – Many people think that love between couples is the intervention of fate. Not a few are resigned to fate and put the expectation of loving and being loved by their partner forever.

But according to psychology, reported by Psychology Today, Thursday, September 2, romantic love – or love for a partner – includes intention, bonding, and sexual chemistry. In addition, each partner also experiences disagreements and anxiety.

The latter two make couples 'obsess' with each other and potentially make the relationship not last forever. So, what makes love less likely? Here are things to reflect on when you have expectations of a partner relationship forever.

1. Less active in emotional closeness

Activeness in making the moment is the power to maintain the feeling of love. If one of them is passive without signaling emotional attachment, the relationship will only go one way. This can make couples reluctant to fully pour out love.

2. Busy with each other

When agreeing to commit, everyone from the couple means that they have agreed to build love. At least that feels for his partner. Well, if you are busy with your own business and without paying attention, you might not feel love anymore.

3. Too often alone

Conversely, too often alone can also reduce the level of love. In the past, there were longing spices, because they were too binding, so love didn't make you flutter.

4. Not mature

Couple relationships that are still 'young' are colored by quarrels to demand respect. According to Michael Karson, Ph.D., a professor of psychology at the University of Denver, many people marry before their own identity is fully explored and the effects are fighting.

Karson's recommendation, love maturely so that when a conflict occurs it doesn't reduce respect for your partner.

5. Self-esteem is too high, even in a partner

Having self-esteem is indeed necessary, especially to keep self-esteem in balance. Self-esteem is related to feeling valuable in the eyes of a partner. If on the other hand, you don't feel valuable, it can actually trigger a big conflict. Not a few great fights occur because of this.

Trying to appreciate your partner's flaws or weaknesses is the key to keeping the pounding of love alive.

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