JAKARTA - The jury's decision-making process at the XI 2021 Indonesian Journalist Film Festival (FFWI) involves journalists from across generations. The composition of the jury for young people (25 -40 years old) compared to mature ones (41-50 years old) is exactly the same, namely 36.3% respectively. While those aged 51-60 years there is 24.5%. As for the members of the jury over the age of 61, only 2.9%.
The FFWI jury consists entirely of active journalists. They will assess three film genres, namely the drama genre, comedy genre, and horror genre, both those that have been shown in theaters and over the top (OTT) from September 2020 to September 2021. All films shown in that period immediately become FFWI participants. without having to go through the registration process. "FFWI adheres to the principle that all films that have been screened are judged by the public, and film journalists are representatives of the public eye", said the chairman of the FFWI committee, Wina Armada Sukardi, Wednesday, September 1.
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The balanced composition of the younger generation and the mature generation will lead to a long discussion among the FFWI jury. This is because the views of the young jury and the mature jury may differ. Thus, the decision-making process for the flagship/nomination and the winner of this year's FFWI is predicted to be not an easy matter.
"From this composition, it is hoped that interesting decisions will come out, and it is not impossible that there will be many surprises", said the head of the FFWI judging division, Yan Widjaya.
In terms of age, the youngest member of the FFWI jury is 25 years old, namely Miftachul Arifin. He was born in Kediri in 1996. The oldest is 64 years old, namely Eddy Hariyadi who was born in 1957 in Bogor. The chairman of the FFWI jury this year is Shandy Gasella, a young generation born in 1985 or 36 years ago in Sukabumi.
In terms of gender, the composition of the FFWI jury consists of 19.9% women. The secretary of the jury was also occupied by a woman, namely Tertiani Bebby Simandjuntak from The Jakarta Post daily. According to Yan Widjaya, the presence of female jury members is expected to be able to participate in providing an assessment from a woman's point of view.
From the city of origin, the jury came from 10 different cities: DKI Jakarta, Tangerang, Bekasi, Depok, Bogor, Bandung, Jogjakarta, Solo, Medan, and Makassar. "Thus, the FFWI results are not based on Jakarta-centricity", said Yan Widjaya.
The FFWI XI committee will announce the seed for the three film genres and their elements on 19 October. While the peak night will be held on October 28, 2021.
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