JAKARTA - One of the technological advances that have penetrated the world of children is online games that often make children addicted. Then, what is the maximum time limit for children to play online games according to their age?

Citing the Merdeka page, Tuesday, August 31, a study conducted by Rutgers University-New Brunswick states that playing online games should be limited to one hour each weekday while the maximum recommended number of hours on weekends is four hours.

Whereas in China, gamers under 18 years of age will only be allowed to play online between 20:00 p.m. and 21:00 p.m. on Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays. On school holidays, children are allowed to play a little longer, with an allocation of 60 minutes per day.

This time limitation is based on the results of research published in the journal Computers in Human Behavior, which states that school-age children tend to experience a decline in learning achievement when there is no time limit for playing games.

The results showed that children who played online games for four hours or more each day tended to be truant more often. Meanwhile, students who use it less than an hour and more to connect with school friends, tend to be less bored when attending school.

Giving deadlines for activities that children like, of course, cannot be immediately accepted by children. For this reason, parents not only act as rule givers but also find solutions. So that children want to obey reduce their time playing games, parents are also obliged to create other interesting activities for children.

Doing the same game or activity every day certainly makes children feel bored. So that children do not get bored, try to give children other interesting activities. Invite children to do new activities that make them more creative, enthusiastic, and happy. These activities can include farming, cooking, reading storybooks, painting, fishing, and much more.

In addition, you can keep children away from gadgets. Try to keep children away from gadgets or other electronic items. When with children, try to keep parents from being busy with their respective gadgets. This will only make children more interested in gadgets and imitate what their parents do.

Lastly, don't be easily provoked by the whining of your child. When the gadget or game is asked, the child will definitely whine. Especially if he really enjoys the gadget and the game.

If you really want your child not to be addicted to games and gadgets, make sure not to be easily provoked by the child's whining. Even if you don't have the heart to see your child whine up to a tantrum, make sure to be a strict and disciplined parent to your child.

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