JAKARTA - Lately, social media is often favored by many people. In addition to functioning to get information, some also use it to share happiness about personal life, especially on one of their favorite platforms called Instagram.

The various features available such as instastory and photo feed are getting more and more entertaining and fun. However, if uncontrolled, Instagram can actually have a bad impact on mental health. Although there are actually many benefits, but there are also many disadvantages experienced by its users.

Cited from the TIME page, Wednesday, August 25, a study conducted by the Royal Society For Public Health (RSPH) with the Young Health Movement in England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland found that 1.500 teenagers experienced anxiety, depression, and bullying when they frequently uploaded photos on Instagram.

In addition, previous studies have also shown that a number of teenagers who spend more than two hours a day playing on social networking sites are more susceptible to psychological stress than those who are inactive. Then how to work around it? By giving a little distance and changing perspectives on life on screen, this can be a way to maintain mental health even though you often use social media. In addition to these two ways, here are other ways that can be applied.

Find Out What's Bothering

Cited from the Leaf page, in order to maintain mental health from the influence of Instagram, then you must really know what really bothers you to cause discomfort. Sonja Lyubomirsky, Ph.D., a psychology professor at UC Riverside and author of The Myth of Happiness, suggests finding answers to what makes you feel depressed eight to 12 times per day. Then start reducing it according to your capacity.

Practice Your Awareness

Dealing with and denying inner feelings of discomfort will have an impact on mental health. All you need to do is learn that feeling when it comes to you. Pay attention to how envy, fear, and discomfort affect your body and your mind. Once you identify and dig into it, it will be much easier for you to realize what you're feeling and how to get out of it.

Check Yourself

Some people often share their daily activities on Instagram so they are often the center of attention. However, that doesn't mean you have to do it either. Try to get to know yourself and use Instagram the way you want.

Change Perspective

Seeing the many uploads on social media, it is not uncommon to distort thoughts into negative thoughts. Try to see things from the positive side, to feel comfortable even though you have to open Instagram many times.

Build connection

So that Instagram doesn't have a bad impact on mental health, also balance connections outside of social media. This can be an attempt to build closeness and get a more real connection with the people around you. In fact, this can increase empathy and compassion among others.

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