Like Adults, Children Also Experience Stress, Which Is Characterized By The Following Symptoms:
Illustration of symptoms of a child experiencing stress (Pixabay)

JAKARTA – Demands that are too big if imposed on children can cause physical and emotional reactions, which are called stress conditions. During a pandemic and adjusting to new habits can indeed be a burden for children. However, this can be overcome.

If adults recognize the signs of stress and can deal with it in their own way. In contrast to children who do not understand the right way to express feelings of depression. This condition is often not recognized by children or recognized by parents.

Reported by Verywell Family, Thursday, August 19, stress in children is recognized by the following symptoms.

Changes in behavior

Every child has different symptoms when stressed. This first symptom can be recognized by parents, namely changes in behavior. If the child is usually cheerful but drastically becomes quiet and likes to be alone, it could be because there are certain feelings that he keeps.

A child psychologist, suggests inviting children to communicate openly. Of course with no pretension judge right and wrong. Just listen and talk to each other openly.

Not only behavior that tends to be moody, children are easily angry, lie, are more spoiled, and like to break the rules can also be symptoms.

Difficulty concentrating

Just like adults when experiencing stress, children also have difficulty focusing and concentrating on one thing. Like when it's time to study online, but he prefers to do other things like playing smart devices.

At first, you need to get used to how to learn online. But try to explore how your child feels when they have trouble concentrating. Invite him to express his fatigue with positive activities that make his heart happy.

Not sleeping well

Some children have nightmares when under stress. This causes sleeplessness. In fact, he is afraid of something, for example afraid of the dark, being alone, and afraid of strangers to the point of crying.

Physical changes

Stress not only affects children's psychological, but also physical changes. Such as bedwetting, decreased appetite or vice versa, playing with hair, and sucking thumbs.

There are also children who experience pain when stressed. Such as stomachache, headache, body discomfort. If you find symptoms of changes related to behavior or physical changes, parents need to recognize them.

Making the child feel comfortable and not scolding him is a step that needs to be done.

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