Some Facts About Hyaluronic Acid That Not Many Women Know
Illustrations (Ekaterina Bolovtsova / Pexels)

JAKARTA - Hyaluronic acid is an acid compound that can hydrate the skin, reduce the appearance of fine lines and make the skin look more radiant. You can easily find these compounds in skincare products, from serums, sheet masks, to moisturizers.

Although not all skincare products are created equal, this ingredient is believed to be effective in hydrating all skin types. In fact, there are still secrets of hyaluronic acid that are not widely known. Anything? summarized from Herworld, Thursday, August 12, the following series.

Suitable for all skin types

Hyaluronic acid has active ingredients that act like humectants which can attract and retain moisture so that the skin can be properly hydrated. Even better, this compound does not cause irritation and does not trigger allergic skin reactions.

When applied to dry skin, hyaluronic acid can quench the skin's thirst.

For sensitive skin prone to itching, hyaluronic acid can soothe the skin, reducing irritation and inflammation. As for oily skin, hyaluronic acid can bind to sebum in the skin so that the amount of oil can be controlled.


Hyaluronic acid can actually be found naturally in the body. However, the number will decrease with age. In babies, hyaluronic acid works to make the skin more supple, firm, and smooth. Not only that. Hyaluronic acid is also needed to keep joints well lubricated.

As an anti-aging

With age, the ability to hold water also decreases. Signs of aging begin to appear clearly such as fine lines, sagging skin, and loss of skin elasticity.

By using skincare based on hyaluronic acid, of course your skin can be moisturized, fine lines are blurred, and smoothen rough skin texture. Even better, this acid compound is high in antioxidants so it can function as a barrier on the skin's surface that can fortify the skin from free radical damage and delay signs of skin aging.

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