4 Benefits Of A Quality Night Sleep For Mental Health
Illustration of a quality night's sleep (Pexels/cottonbro)

JAKARTA – Simple habits are often taken for granted, such as sleeping. Because the fun of chasing after the task until you forget to rest your body at night. In fact, adequate and quality sleep is beneficial for mental health.

Here are 4 benefits of getting an adequate and quality night's sleep for mental health.

1. Sharpen the power of concentration

Reported by a page created by the Victorian Government Department of Health and Human Services, SuicideLine Victoria, stated that the more tired you are, the harder it is for you to concentrate on something.

Lack of sleep can make it difficult for us to focus and receive information correctly. Well, on the other hand, if you get enough rest and sleep, your mind will be clearer and your focus will be sharper.

2. Improve memory

There are three stages in memory formation, namely acquisition, consolidation, and remembering. Acquisition, when information is introduced to your brain. While consolidation is when memory is strengthened.

Well, remembering is when the stored memory can be accessed again. Acquisition and memory occur while we are awake, and consolidation occurs while we are asleep.

So when you fall asleep, your brain will consolidate and organize your memory so that tomorrow or the next day you can access it again.

3. Reduce stress

It's no secret that stress can affect and or be affected by lack of sleep. Have you ever noticed how little things bother you more if you don't get enough sleep the night before?

The researchers noted that sleep deprivation can make a person irritable, react negatively to distractions, and minor interruptions.

A survey conducted by the American Psychological Association, reports that adults who sleep less than eight hours a night are more likely to experience stress than those who sleep eight hours.

4. Improve mood

Reported by the Better Health Channel, Friday, August 6, studies show people who are sleep deprived report an increase in negative moods. Easily angry, sad, to symptoms of mood swings.

For adults, the average night's sleep is 7-8 hours, continuous, and restful. So to improve your mood, mental and physical health, get quality sleep every night.

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