JAKARTA - Chinese actress Zhao Lusi recently stole the show after her photo at the hospital was spread on social media. In the photo, she appears to be sitting in a wheelchair in a weak state and wearing an oxygen hose.

The photo raises concerns from fans, because previously he was still fine and was shooting his latest drama. Zhao Lusi's best friend who is also an actress, Wei Xiao, finally opened his voice and said that the drama star Hidden Love is experiencing afasia, but his condition has improved and is recovering.

Zhao Lusi is said to have experienced fatigue due to heavy fatigue due to his busy schedule. This condition makes it difficult for him to move and talk, so he communicates with those around him using text on his cellphone.

With these conditions, Zhao Lusi's studio announced that the actress would temporarily suspend all activities from December 28, 2024. Zhao Lusi's Weibo account was also temporarily disabled.

Launching from the Mayo Clinic, on Wednesday, January 1, 2025, afasia is a health problem that affects a person to communicate. Communication difficulties both verbally and in writing, writing letters and numbers, and understanding every word read or heard.

Basically, afasia is not a disease, but a symptom that indicates damage or death to the part of the brain that controls language and communication skills. Therefore, immediate treatment needs to be done to prevent further complications.

The most common cause of afasia is stroke, followed by head injuries, brain tumors, and brain infections. In Zhao Lusi's case there has been no confirmation of the specific cause of afasia he experienced, but fatigue and stress can affect brain function as a whole and have an impact on afasia.

Other conditions such as dementia or degenerative disease can also lead to aphasia. Another risk factor is an unhealthy lifestyle, such as excessive alcohol consumption and lack of exercise.

For handling afasia, it depends on the severity and cause. Speech therapy is the main method to help restore communication skills.

In addition, drugs will also be given to improve blood flow to the brain. In certain cases, surgery may be needed to treat causes such as brain tumors.

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