JAKARTA – There are various factors that cause stress in plants. Each factor has different characteristics, but can be overcome as long as it is recognized immediately.

Stressed plants usually have stunted growth, yellowing leaves, and other stress characteristics such as not blooming or sprouting and not looking fresh. Factors causing stress in plants are as follows.

Either after going through the repotting process or you buy plants online and the plants are after the trip, it can be a stress factor. Moreover, the distance traveled is quite far, so the plants wither or change color to yellow.

The way to deal with plant stress caused by relocation is to provide them with nutrients. Reported by Planteria, Tuesday, August 3, vitamin B1 can anticipate plant stress does not get worse.

Vitamin B1 can be obtained from rice washing water. You can also buy special nutrients for plants that contain these vitamins and contain nutrients to improve plant metabolism.

The concept of stress in plants is a condition when plants are unable to adapt or adjust to changes that occur. The effect, plants are not able to optimally in photosynthesis. The effect is known when the plant shows signs as mentioned above.

To overcome this, in addition to providing nutrition in the form of vitamin B1, when plants are stressed, it is necessary to ensure to protect them from pests. Plus, avoid cutting the branches until they're back to normal.

In order for plants to recover quickly and be 'happy' again, you can move them to a more shady place or not directly exposed to the heat of the sun and do watering appropriately.

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